A Dilemma: Caught in between

photo credit by @wakeupkitty

I stood on the portal
Still versed in my transition
In a dilemma I was
Yes, I was sure to remain same some minutes more
It's the hardest time of my life
Where I get to make a daring decision

With a land mourning and wailing
Behind me, a land in deep trenches
Gnashing in darkness
I stand here today
To either bring doom or blessings
To my fatherland

Which offended the moon goddess
About 20 centuries ago
With no light and less life and survival
I lived, I grew and was fit
To redeem light and life

As I stand on this Portal this minute
I keep asking
"Pearlie are you fit for this task"
A single mistake would mean eternal enslavement
Yes, to the moon goddess

And if it's done right
I'll dine and wine with the other planets
Living in florescents and sparkles
As I make this move
May I be spurred to land well
On this journey to redemption and life

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