Pig Dentist - Five Minutes Freewrite

Once upon a time, in an animal kingdom, there lived a pig named Smith who wanted to become a dentist. This dream and ambition were nursed as a result of the pain he went through when he had some discomfort in his tooth when he was younger. While eating out with his friends, he got engrossed in the conversation that ensued and did not notice when he scooped a sharp object with his food into his mouth. At the first bite, he felt this uncomfortable pain in his gum as the object had broken his tooth and, in the process, pierced and injured his gum.


Because there was no dentist in his kingdom, he had to journey to the next kingdom to get his teeth and gums treated. The journey to the next kingdom was about a day's travel, and he spent almost half of the following day locating a dentist. The pain became more severe and unbearable with each passing second, not withstanding the pain he had to endure while the dentist worked on the broken tooth and injured him. This made him vow never to allow anyone in his kingdom to go through the pain he went through ever again.

While other pigs were content playing in mud and dirt and eating every day, Smith studied very hard, day and night, reading about dentistry. His hard work paid off, and he eventually became a dentist. Nothing brought him so much joy and fulfillment as whenever he had to help other animals in his kingdom attend to and address their dental challenges.

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