Words Matter, a freewrite


"I'll have a pop."

You want me to pop you one?"

"No! I need a pop!"

Yeah, I agree. The painting needs a bit more color to make it pop."

"No! A pop! A pop! I must have a pop!"

Just then, a small bomb detonated somewhere in the museum. Security had been watching these two since they walked in, since one of them was dressed in camouflage and smelled strongly of pine trees. When their talk turned to pops, security became doubly interested. Immediately after the explosion, they were both thrown to the floor, handcuffed, and dragged to a small cubicle in the basement.

Hours later, they were offered coffee, water, or soda.

"Yes, PLEASE. I am desperate for a pop."


This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is soda pop.

I grew up in hillbilly country. When I went to college, I was ridiculed the first time I asked for a pop. No one knew what I meant.


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