Mariannewest's dailyprompt: The deadly situation

The air was thick with tension, as if it were a great darkness lurking in the darkest of alleys. The sounds of gunfire reverberated, spelling doom for the attackers. Two shadows, disfigured by the murkiness of night, were performing a deadly routine of survival. Panic was winner of the day for bystanders found it hard to escape the air that was laden with fear. Sirens_, _however, pierced the air that bore no favorable picture in terms of assumed anarchy. A surreptitious deal had taken new shape as a mortal combat. The combatants fought the need for desperation, their faces blurred from anonymity of crime. As the future result from this mortal danger always remained in suspense, the city held its breath, as the entire might of a metropolis was seized in a moment, being caught inside a trap. The structure expressed the direness in which people placing their hopes on an industrial skyscraper lived buried deep within metal foundries and abysses of large production industries with literal awful

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