1 March 2024 @mariannewest's freewrite writing prompt Day 2298 : the rise of nationalism

Nationalism's triumph is nothing abstract but a tale of history, identity, and politics woven together. Taking off as an international passion from its roots in the old days of sports event and the widespread celebrations of the cultures, it further developed globally. The power of economic stirring and disquieting to grow into populace uprisings only made the poem more profound. Still, the double-edged features should be noted, including the uniting force of a common ground, but also the dividing line of dissimilarities. Though national identities are essential for international relations, countries find the process of establishing these faced with ever-changing factors. With nationalism epitomizing the tune of the time, it serves as a wake-up call or consciousness for concerns regarding the seemingly needed harmony between patriotism and global relationships.

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