Listening to the Animals


Photo by Srinivasan Venkataraman on Unsplash

Yoga Stretches ~ Today's Prompt for 5 Minute Freewrite


I like to think of how all of this reflects the intuitive genius of the animals while I do it.

The downward dog. I watch my own dog do it and smile at his genuine relief when he gets that middle back part. I have the same stiff spot. I know exactly how he feels...

The upward facing dog. Not my favourite. I can't seem to ever get it right.

The cobra. Brutal. But so good for a spine. If we keep that flexible we kinda stay young forever.

The cat stretch. So good as well and yep... just the way they do it, isn't it?

The crow. I love the crow. You gotta be strong for this one and you can tell immediately if it's going to be a day of balance and presence or if you're off kilter.

It's mostly in the mind, you see.

The eagle's exactly the same. It doesn't matter how strong you are, if your mind is all over the place...

So we must practice.

All of this.

For us.

Because we've long since forgotten our own intuition and being in the now. With ourselves. In peace.

Practice being more like the animals.
They get, don't you see?
They just do it naturally.


I wasn't going to write today and then I saw this prompt. Thanks to Freewriters for keeping us going!


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