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5 minutes freewrite prompt: The Gopher



En los bosques amarillo de Marianca, una población perdida desde hace siglos del famoso Amazonas, se esconden las criaturas nobles, llamadas gopher, caracterizadas por ser pequeñas ardillas terrestre, con un sin fin de colores y enormes colas que cautivan a cualquiera que la llegase a ver.

In the yellow forests of Marianca, a centuries-old lost village of the famous Amazon, hide the noble creatures, called gopher, characterized by being small ground squirrels, with endless colors and huge tails that captivate anyone who comes to see them.

Jhon, fanático de los gopher, fue en búsqueda del bosque amarillo, estuvo inmerso en las zonas densas del amazona por varios meses, su búsqueda apuntaba a ser fallida. Cuando de repente cayó en un agujero muy profundo, lo más extraño de todo que al caer no sufrió fractura alguna, extrañado por tal situación, se dió cuenta que infinidades de gopher lo estaban sujetando.

Jhon, a gopher fanatic, went in search of the yellow forest, he was immersed in the dense areas of the Amazon for several months, his search was bound to be unsuccessful. When he suddenly fell into a very deep hole, the strangest thing of all was that he did not suffer any fracture when he fell, surprised by this situation, he realized that he was being held by an infinite number of gopher.

Se dejó llevar por este acontecimiento que no vería más en su vida. Trato de buscar de inmediato la cámara fotográfica para hacer una captura, pero no la encontró, debió dejarla en la mochila que dejó al caer por el precipicio, sin nada que evidenciara lo que estaba viviendo, se encontraba muy triste.

He let himself be carried away by this event that he would never see again in his life. He tried to immediately look for his camera to take a picture, but he couldn't find it, he had to leave it in the backpack that he left when he fell down the cliff, with nothing to show what he was experiencing, he was very sad.

De repente se acordó que tenía su equipo celular en el bolsillo, muy rápidamente hizo una captura mágica de estás adoradas criaturas, hizo varios registros del lugar, tuvo un contacto directo con ellas, tanto que pasaron los años y Jhon no pudo salir de aquel agujero en el recóndito bosques amarillo.

Suddenly he remembered that he had his cell phone in his pocket, very quickly he made a magical capture of these beloved creatures, he made several records of the place, he had a direct contact with them, so much so that years passed and John could not get out of that hole in the hidden yellow forest.

Todo aquellos buenos momentos, que vivió Jhon y las ardillas, fueron únicos e incomparables, aprendió a conectar su vida silvestre, se entrelazó tanto a ellas, que se volvió un salvaje, todos esos registros quedaron en el olvido, nadie supo más de esas cautivadoras criaturas, Jhon siguió en su mundo cautivo de esta mágica aventura, nunca más nadie supo de él.

All those good moments, that Jhon and the squirrels lived, were unique and incomparable, he learned to connect his wild life, he became so entwined with them, that he became a savage, all those records were forgotten, nobody knew more of those captivating creatures, Jhon continued in his captive world of this magical adventure, nobody ever heard of him again.