Five minutes freewrite - Pig Dentist


A pig named Pablo had been having some tooth pain lately, and he needed to see a dentist. He searched all over the farm, but he couldn't find a single pig dentist. Finally, in desperation, he decided to visit the human dentist in town. The dentist looked Pablo over and said, "Well, this is a bit out of my wheelhouse. I've never worked on a pig before." But Pablo pleaded with the dentist to help him. The dentist thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Okay, I'll give it a try.So, the dentist got Pablo all set up in the chair and gave him a shot of anesthesia. Once Pablo was nice and relaxed, the dentist began working on his teeth. He was surprised by how similar pig teeth were to human teeth! After a while, the dentist finished up and said, "You know, Pablo, you're not a bad patient at all. In fact, you're the most well-behaved pig patient I've ever had!" Pablo smiled (or at least he would have if he wasn't still a bit numb from the anaesthesia). "Thanks," he said.As Pablo left the dentist's office, he felt a sense of relief. Not only was his tooth pain gone, but he had also gained a newfound respect for human dentists! And the dentist had learned that pigs can make surprisingly good patients. It was a win-win all around!

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