Freewrite : Activate the Bomb

This is my attempt with short story fiction using freewrite prompt.

"We are surrounded and this building will be infected in few minutes"

Karie was yelling at mark. She noticed that few infected reached the place by breaking into the glass and the reached the hall of the apartment. Fortunately the lift was working and infected cant use it. So they only have that gap. However the lobby was the hard part. If the infected reached to their door they can't get out even with the emergency stairs as the infected would reach there lot quickly.

Credit: pexels

Mark noticed that they have a bomb which they can use to break through the lobby raid. And they can find way out of the emergency stairs as they distract the hoard that is coming their way. But karie knew one of them have to stay behind and mark is trying to be that one. And karie don't want that to happen. So she created a plan and decided to use the laundry duct to bypass the hoard and reach 1st floor.

"Activate the bomb Mark, I found a way".

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