A picture is worth a thousand words #pic1000

what I see
A very old cemetery
The season seems to be the end of winter maybe early spring
Some of the tombstones are leaning
One grave has a fence around it with leaves piled in it
The tombstones are tall, maybe because it is in an area that gets a lot of snow
The fence and tombstone within it are short

what I feel
I love old cemeteries, I feel a calmness while looking at it
I wonder about the people who have been "laid to rest"
I wish I could talk to them.

my story

I told you that the fence would not work, It was 12 feet high. She has it pulled down to a mere two feet. It will not be long, she will be back to wreaking havoc on all the other tombstones.
What do you purpose we do now? by the looks of it, we only have another full moon before it is gone.

This was the conversation that the caretakers had right before her great escape.
She was so innocent until she met him. He promised a different life than what he gave. Once he got her to move away from the people who loved her, he had complete control. He filled her with drugs and made her do terrible things. Her mind was gone, she did not know who she was or where she had come from. The only thing she knew for sure was that she hated her life and hated him.

He always made her cook a huge Thanksgiving dinner, even though it was just the two of them she cooked all day. But this time she added something a little extra to the apple pie. She had read that the seeds were poison and had been saving them for a long time. She crushed them to a fine powder and put them in the pie.

They sat down to dinner, she dressed in her best clothes and they ate. She served the pie and as they ate it she smiled. He thought he had finally broken her, she was his to do whatever he wanted. This was his last thought.

Even in death, her mind was not right, she haunted the other graves. Every full moon she would push over all of the men's tombstones. The caretakers thought they had her contained but her strength was more than they could handle. The only thing they could do was to leave the tombstones leaning and this seemed to quiet her soul.

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