5 minute freewrite Wednesday prompt creaking joints

This is my post for #freewriters Wednesday prompt creaking joints hosted by @mariannewest

This picture is one of the earliest that I have of myself. My mom is holding me and we are at where I grew up which is now called Sebastian Inlet State park.

A few years later. I was still young enough to not think about how my life would be as I aged.

I spent most of my days swimming in the inlet, not feeling any pain. Wouldn't it be nice to feel this way your entire life?
I am in the red my sister is the other child, we are sitting in a canoe that my oldest brother dug out of the sand dunes on the beach. The experts that came to look at it said it was made out of white mahogany. I am still young enough to not feel any creaking joints.

My 20s, this seems like it was so long ago. I guess it seems that way because it was.
Skipping ahead several years, I am in my 30s and still do not feel any different, life is good.

In my 40s, my eyesight is starting to go, I now need glasses to read. I hurt my back and have pain all of the time. Things are starting to go south. I wonder why they call things going bad, going south.

My 50s, I am starting to feel my age, but I can still get around and do the things that I like to do.

In my 60s, this is when you start feeling the days that have passed. Everything hurts, eyesight is crap, arthritis has set in, and talk about * creaking joints*, boy do I have them. They say these are the golden years, golden years hell, I think they are talking about fools gold.

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