5 minute freewrite Sunday prompt interrupt

This is my post for #freewriters Sunday prompt interrupt hosted by @mariannewest

I finally finished weeding and feeding the small areca palms. If you do not know how fast time goes by, watch weeds grow.
I tried two experiments with them, in this picture, I put potash around them. They also have fertilizer, I hope that I did not overdo it.

A couple of days ago I cut this one back to almost nothing. I tried to get rid of all of the fungus-looking stuff on them. Today there is one shoot that is growing. When it opens, I hope it does not have brown spots on it. I did not put any potash on this one.

After finishing with them I gave the dog its bath that I have been wanting to do for a week now and each time I wanted to do it, something would interrupt me. I know she feels better and she for sure smells better.

We have to grow all of our garden veggies in pots because we have nematodes in our soil. We have 6 okra plants and they produce more okra than we can eat. We have it every night with dinner. We boiled it, cooked it on the grill, cut it up and pan seared, and fried it, I even put it in chicken and dumplings.


Even though we like it, having it every day is tiresome. I told my husband to ask his friend if he would like to have a batch of it. He is the only person that we know who likes it and does not grow it.


These are the newly planted plants. We have to build little cages to put around them because the rabbits will eat them all in one night. The screen is because they are just planted, they have been inside and the sun will burn them.


Even with the toilet paper rolls around them, we have found a couple of worms, the empty rolls are supposed to keep them off but it is not doing its job.

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