5 minute freewrite prompt *spade*

Somewhere in all my pictures I have a picture of spadefish but I did not take the time to find it so I copied this image from, https://www.google.com/search?q=spadefish&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS914US914&sxsrf=AOaemvLvk3ltf6wEmaeIi4nU3lFaFF2yiQ:1631841091781&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=oS4qcYibw4fBQM%252CYNgrWBaq41W_fM%252C%252Fm%252F04crvdv&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQlCtmfguC9weRI6pDOY9ohleJJcA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj5xuvk6YTzAhVFQvEDHQ_EBzoQ_B16BAg_EAE#imgrc=XMyidN5teOpZPM

This is my post for #freewriters Thursday prompt spade hosted by @mariannewest

Spade fish look just like an angelfish that you have seen in aquariums, but much larger. They are very good eating fish. We catch them up the Sebastian river more than anywhere else in the Indian River. we have also caught them on the reef in the ocean.

Today started out looking like we were not going to catch anything. We went to the Big Flat, there was nothing there, nothing at Blackpoint, nothing at Coconut, to the south bar, middle bank, north bar, off to Long Point. Across the river to the west shore near Barefoot Bay. Going back south one skipped by the end of a dock, we went just south of it and anchored. The catfish were bad but we stayed quite a while and never caught a pompano.

All of the other boats left the islands so we went to the one that we caught them on back before the boats found us. We do not want to anchor where we catch them because if they saw what we are doing, we would never get that spot again. We are anchoring in the very shallow water and throwing our lines just off of the edge.

We had 2 days this week that there was not a thunderstorm, they were the 2 days we had a doctor app. Today about 11 they were building.


By 2 we had to leave because of the weather, I took this picture as we were almost back to the boat ramp, the black spot with pouring rain is where we were at.


We still had a good day's catch 17 pompano that weighed 33 pounds.


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