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5 minute freewrite 2218 prompt the last bus driver

This is my post for #freewriters 2218 prompt the last bus driver hosted by @mariannewest and @daily.prompt

My old truck may not be a bus and I may not be the last bus driver but it made it for another load of brush going to the dump. It still has a cracked axle but the metal plate that my husband bolted to it seems to be holding up.

My husband decided to cut back the animal's mango tree and the big mulberry tree. He really took a lot from the mulberry.

I took this picture of a bloom on one of our new banana trees on November 7th.

I took this picture today, 11-12-23. Our other bananas are called lady fingers and horse bananas. My husband's sister gave him this plant but she does not know what kind it is. I can tell it will have bigger nanners than ours...

Thinking about the prompt, when my nephew was in kindergarten and living in Missouri he was on the school bus coming home from school. In Missouri, the roads are dirt, hilly, winding, and drop off on one side.

The bus driver took the corner too fast and said the brakes did not work. The bus came to a stop on the edge of a cliff and teetered there. My nephew yells out, damn Leon, what are you trying to do, kill us, then the bus slid down the hill, He was 5. Luckily no one was hurt very badly.

Leon, the bus driver, was the last bus driver to be fired that I know of. When interviewing the kids it came out that Leon kept a bottle of booze under his seat.

photos are mine