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The Nigerian female musicians, the female music circulate the world which the United call seven Nigerian female musicians but due to the popularity of "Tiwa sawage" almost all her followers were thinking that she will win.

They selected her as the Nigeria best female musicians and she will be competitive with united Kingdom musician which is " Rihanna" on the stage Rihanna started by releasing her new album which the audience where not even happy of the music and after she is done, "Tiwa sawage" come into the stage and she release her famous music while the Audience both international and at the local level where happy and they were rejoicing.

After the competition the announcer of the winner come into the stage and they started giving a speech about the two contester and all the audience where thinking is " Tiwa sewage" will win and they call the winner which is "Rihanna" and Tiwa sewage cry and she collected the microphone and she said " I wasn't the winner of the game".

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