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I see a mushroom

I feel the mushroom was planted there by mistake

They is a village where there occupation is farming, they farm rice, maize, guinea corn, yam and sweets potato, they alway used a bamboo stick in demarcation of their farm, but one man in the village used mushroom fresh mushroom in demarcation of his farm and the other farmers are mucking at him.

One day a veterinary doctor came from Europe, looking for fresh mushroom leaf, he almost round the entire village, he couldn't get the fresh mushroom and this farmer when to river to Bath and he saw this white man asking for mushroom and I quickly meet the man and he ask the man that he have many mushroom but what he want to do with the mushroom and he told him that they discovered that, the fresh mushroom is use to heal HIV patient and the farmer ask how much will he buy one of his mushroom, the white said he can buy all the mushroom with a bigger amounts of money and the other farmers are jealous of the farmer with get rich and leave the village and they wrote petition and drag the white man to court and the white man and the farmer defeated them in the court and the white man cut all the mushroom and take the farmer away from the village and his family to start new life in Germany and he start new life with his family.