I see a man foot with banana peel,

I feel he stop because he almost match a banana peel,

Once upon a time, there was a man who was clean and hardworking in terms of family and working place. He was single at that time, because his mother told him that since I had gotten a job, it was time for him to look for a wife to marry.

One day this young man came to his mother and said " mother I have seen one lady" and his mother said where is the girl and he showed him and the mother said it is our neighbour but left everything things in my hand and the young man said okay. On the process his mother meet the girl parent and they agree for the young man to married the girl but the girl is neet outside but after the wedding, as he bring her to his home and he realised that this girl is a dirty girl and he like keeping things cleans, he complained but no change and he his tired.

One sudden day his frie friends told him that they want to come and have lunch in his house and he agree and told his wife that please his friend are coming, let her be clean for this day and she said okay no problem, see ate banana and throw the pil outside and him with is friends are coming to the house and they were busy discussing and one of their friend mistakenly matching the banana peel and he fell down and hit his head on the tiles and he was rush to the hospital but he is save and he came back home and divorce her since to cannot obey his instructions to keep the house clean and he oh God, I don't enjoy my marriage.

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