🌷🌷 Part 6
As Mr. and Mrs.Know-it-all, after they had their breakfast, descended the stairs, they saw Mrs. Sorrel, Mrs. Petunia, and Gıpgıp were about to leave the door of the inn. Mrs.Know-it-all called right away to them.

  • Huu Huu Mrs. Sorrel, good morning. Good morning, Mrs. Sorrel replied. Mrs. Petunia and Gıpgıp didn't call out to her, because she hadn't said good morning to them. Mrs. Know-it-all came hurriedly to Mrs. Sorrel.
    -Mrs. Sorrel, why did you even bother to come here? I don't think you can get dahlia tubers while I am, she said. Mrs. Sorrel was surprised, Gıpgıp immediately got into the conversation.
    -You have dahlias in your garden, but none of them bloom as well as Mrs. Sorrel's dahlias, the dahlia flowers may not like you, he said.
    Mrs. Petunia laughed.
  • Gıpgıp, you may be right about this, she said. Mrs. Know-it-all was red with anger, just as she was about to start talking, Cook Chubby came and told Mrs. Sorrel.
  • Come on, Sorrel. We're running late for the market, let's get out before we linger, he said. He greeted Mrs. Know-it-all and, before she could speak, took Mrs. Petunia, Mrs. Sorrel, and Gıpgıp out of the inn.
    The market was both huge and very crowded. Cook Chubby, took everyone to the section where spices and seeds were sold. Gıpgıp was the first to see Mr. Dustyfoot. Gıpgıp asked.
    -Are you helping the seller?
    Mrs. Sorrel, Mrs. Petunia, and Cook Chubby greeted Mr. Dustyfoot. After Mr. Dustyfoot received everyone's greetings, he answered Gıpgıp. When he said 'I sell seeds and dahlia tubers'; Mrs. Petunia asked again, "Oh my God, are you the person selling dahlia tubers? Mr. Dustyfoot laughed.
    He said yes, I am the person you will shop with. Mrs. Sorrel clapped her hands.
  • Hurray, how much would you sell to me the burgundy star dahlia tubers close to black?” she asked. Mr.Dustyfoot:
    -He said, "There is someone else who wants to buy these dahlia tubers. Whoever the dahlia tubers choose I will sell to her. Rapidly approaching the counter, Mrs. Know-it-all heard this answer and turned to Mrs. Sorrel.
  • See, the seller knows who can pay more, you can't buy these while I'm around. Mrs. Know-it-all turned to Mr. Dustyfoot
  • How much would you like for these tubers, you dusty man?” asked. Mr. Dustyfoot smiled
  • Saying that, whoever the dahlia tubers choose, I will sell to her. He took out the dahlia tubers from the saddlebag on the side of the counter and put them on the counter.
    Mrs. Petunia touched the tubers and said, “They are so healthy and beautiful that they can bloom magnificently.
    Mr. Dustyfoot told Mrs. Sorrel and Mrs. Know-it-all to touch the tubers. Even though they were both surprised, they said ok and did what the seller said. Then Mr. Dustyfoot muttered something, and out of ten dahlia tubers, seven fell into Mrs. Sorrel and three fell at Mrs. Petunia's feet. While everyone was trying to make sense of what had happened, Gıpgıp's eyes landed on Mr. Dustyfoot's, ıt was strange, but the seven colors of the rainbow were cascading in Mr. Dustyfoot's pupils, and no one had noticed. Gıpgıp opened his mouth to ask questions, but suddenly realized that sometimes silence is better than talking, so he closed his mouth.
    Mrs. Sorrel
    "How is that possible, how do these dahlia tubers make such a choice?" asked. Mrs. Know-it-all screamed.
  • No, no such nonsense can happen. What kind of sale is this. The dusty man are you kidding me? she shouted. Then she tried to overturn the counter. Gıpgıp immediately grabbed Mrs. Know-it-all. In the meanwhile, Mr. Know-it-all, who came running from the livestock market, helped Gıpgıp and tried to calm Mrs. Know-it-all down. Mrs. Know-it-all was not listening to anyone, shouting, trying to attack Mr. Dustyfoot. Mr. Know-it-all and Gıpgıp took Mrs. Know-it-all's arms and drove her away from the marketplace. The curious crowd that had gathered around them dispersed. Mr. Dustyfoot fixed his workbench. Mrs. Petunia, Mrs. Sorrel, and Cook Chubby helped him. Mrs. Petunia
    -Mr. Dustyfoot, how did this happen? Asked
  • The tubers go to whomever they want to go, Mrs. Petunia; three tubers chose you. There is nothing I can do. All plants are alive and the ones I sell have the chance to choose their destination. Smiling, he turned to Mrs. Sorrel.
  • Don't worry, Miss Know-it-all will calm down after a while “She will find other things to keep herself busy,” he said. Cook Chubby took vegetable seeds from Mr. Dustyfoot and learned about their properties. Mrs. Petunia and Mrs. Sorrel paid for the dahlia tubers. They were still puzzled, their questions weren’t answered. They said their goodbyes, they asked him to stop by if he was on the way to the Cheerful River Village side and left.

The story will continue tomorrow, thanks for reading🙂🙂

All rights reserved to the story called Adventures of Gıpgıp.

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