5 Minute Freewrite (Ginger Tea)



Maya and her friends were blessed housewives who had a club called ginger tea club. They gathered and talked about everything like the town's news and their own problems, and they sought the advice of each other. They were so cheerful to be a part of the club. The chitchat aside, they also tasted different varieties of ginger tea.

One day, Alyson (one of the members of the club and Maya's friend) said she knows an explorer who travels to faraway lands, and he has brought a rare ginger root back home. He has given some to her, and she wanted to share it with other members of the club.

Maya was thrilled about this news and they both went to the kitchen to make the tea.

Everyone tasted the tea while sitting in Maya's cozy house. They talked and sipped from their tea. They also had something to talk about when they got back to their families. They got to say that they tasted the rarest ginger tea made from the rarest ginger root in the world.

And, they have Alyson to thank for it.

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