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El profesor termino de explicar la clase y se quedo observando en silencio por casi un minuto a sus alumnos 30 en total, que cursaba el septimo grado, rompió su silencio cuando pronunció el nombre de Juan quien como impulsado por un resorte se puso de pie a esperar la pregunta que le haría su profesor de geografía, a su lado Leonardo absorto en sus pensamientos jugaba un extenuante partido de futbol, corría con el balón se acercaba hacia la arquería contraria pateo el balón con su pierna izquierda y goooool, Leo, Leo, Leo la gente que veía el partido coreaba al unísono su nombre, de repente alguien lo tomo por el hombro, ¡oh Dios! Allí frente a su pupitre el profesor lo miraba fijamente.#- Sabes la respuesta Leonardo, o dime si al menos escuchaste la pregunta Leonardo- No profesor, me la puede repetir por favor, dijo casi balbuceando y en un tono muy bajo- Levántate y vete al departamento de orientación, le dices a la licenciada que en cinco minutos voy para allá

Leonardo tomo sus útiles y se dirigió por segunda vez en la semana al departamento de la licenciada Ligia, sintió una comezón en su cuello, parecida a la que se siente cuando le pican las hormigas. Tocó tímidamente la puerta y oyó la voz de la orientadora

  • Adelante – dijo- como estas Leo ¿cuéntame que profesor te refirió?
  • El profesor Luis de geografía
  • la orientadora lo miro indulgentemente- Leonardo dime que paso

Leonardo le contó lo sucedido, de cómo su imaginación transformo a la tierra en un balón, este balón termino en sus pies, mientras le contaba se rascaba el cuello que ya mostraba enrojecido por la acción de la uñas del niño, aquella comezón inquietante, desvió la atención de la orientadora.

  • Desde cuando te pica el cuello Leo – pregunto- mientras se acercaba para mirar la erupción.
  • Hace poco Profe, me empezó a picar cuando Salí de del salón de clase

Aquella respuesta inquieto más a la orientadora, quien tomo su teléfono celular y llamo a la madre de Leonardo.

Así fue la infancia de Leonardo, le dedicaba más tiempo al futbol que a la escuela, muchos le decían que esa pasión por ese deporte probablemente lo terminaría haciendo un perdedor. Cuando levanto la copa en aquel estadio repleto de gente hasta más no poder, recordó a su profesora Ligia que siempre lo trato con cariño y respeto, no cuestiono su amor por el futbol y hasta lo curo de aquella comezón inquietante, que según le diagnosticaron aparecía cada vez que estaba nervioso, agito la pesada copa y sintió que le picaba el cuello, pero pensó, que va ya no hay espacio para los nervios.

Leonardo's Passion

The teacher finished explaining the class and stood watching in silence for almost a minute to his students 30 in total, who attended the seventh grade, broke his silence when he pronounced the name of Juan who as driven by a spring stood up to wait for the question that would make his geography teacher, next to him Leonardo, absorbed in his thoughts, was playing a strenuous soccer game, he was running with the ball, he was approaching the opposing goal, he kicked the ball with his left leg and goooool, Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo the people watching the game were chanting his name in unison, suddenly someone grabbed him by the shoulder, oh God! There in front of his desk the teacher was staring at him.

  • Do you know the answer Leonardo, or tell me if you at least heard the question Leonardo?
  • No professor, can you repeat it please," he said almost stammering and in a very low tone.
  • Get up and go to the guidance department, you tell the graduate that in five minutes I'll be there.

Leonardo took his supplies and went for the second time in the week to Ligia's department, he felt an itch in his neck, similar to the one he feels when ants bite him. He timidly knocked on the door and heard the voice of the counselor.

  • Come in - she said - how are you Leo, tell me which teacher referred you?
  • Geography teacher Luis
  • The counselor looked at him indulgently - Leonardo, tell me what happened.

Leonardo told her what happened, how his imagination transformed the earth into a ball, this ball ended up in his feet, while he was telling her he was scratching his neck that was already reddened by the action of the child's nails, that disturbing itch, diverted the attention of the counselor.

  • Since when does your neck itch Leo - I asked - while she approached to look at the rash.
  • Recently, Teacher, it started to itch when I left the classroom.

That answer made the counselor more worried, and she took her cell phone and called Leonardo's mother.

That was Leonardo's childhood, he dedicated more time to soccer than to school, many people told him that his passion for that sport would probably end up making him a loser. When he lifted the cup in that stadium filled to overflowing with people, he remembered his teacher Ligia who always treated him with love and respect, she did not question his love for soccer and even cured him of that disturbing itch, that according to what he was diagnosed appeared every time he was nervous, he shook the heavy cup and felt his neck itch, but he thought, there is no more room for nerves.


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