Photography fun: Reflections

My friend and I recently decided to do a little photoshoot. Her brother bought a camera a few months ago (no idea what it is, to be honest) and he was kind enough to lend it to us. We picked out a date and hoped the weather would play along. Luckily it didn't rain the day we decided to pretend to be models. We made our way to the mall, not to spend money, but to run around on the roof and take photos. It had rained the day before and there were still puddles on the roof. This was the perfect opportunity for us to play around with reflections. The clouds were also amazing and bright.


"Your life becomes a reflection of your mindset" ~ Unknown.

I want to add this quote to the pictures since we focus on reflections in the water, but it also means a lot to me. What you think and say is what you do. Positive thoughts will lead to a positive life... So yes, your life becomes a reflection of your mind.


I strongly believe that you can turn any situation around if you look at it from a different perspective.


Look! There's a zip-tie on the ground...
Zip-tie = Cable tie

I should clarify neither of us is a model or ever plan on going into the modeling industry but it was fun spending a bit of time with a friend and learning a new skill (the skill being photography, not modeling 😅). While I have absolutely no professional photography skills my friend has completed a beginner's photography course. Between the two of us, we were able to take a few pretty decent photos.




We tried to get a photo of me riding through a puddle on my skateboard, but unfortunately, I slipped and ended up in the puddle... So side note, don't drive through puddles on a skateboard... Instead of showing the photos of me falling, here I am minutes before my defeat making friends with the puddle.

All and all we had a very fun day and I did learn something new, not just photography skills but also that your life becomes a reflection of your mindset. If you keep thinking about all the negative things happening in life you will become completely negative. If you start looking on the bright side and start seeing the positive things in life you will start becoming more positive and your life may just turn around for the better. Always make time to look around and spot the little things that might just spark your joy.


Miss Hugo 1.png

All photos posted are my own, and I got permission to post photos of my friend.

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