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Dumb Us!!

You know what, sometimes the most cunning man ends up doing the dumbest thing. Everyone you know, ask them, whether they admit it or not, they all have some stupid activities that they laugh at them as well. Look at yourself, haven't you engaged in something dumb so far? Haven’t you?

📸 Markus Spiske

Let's hear about a scam that happened to one of the cunning people I know.
He ordered something from an online page and paid the delivery fee. The scammers called him two days after the parcel had arrived, before we delivered it to you, you needed to pay the amount and we would deliver it to you within an hour. Thinking that the parcel has arrived he makes the payment of 2200 of bdt instead of 2199, he did a round figure transaction. The scammer got another chance. He called again and said to make an exact transaction of 2199 for the system and he would return the previous transaction. They speak in such a convincing way that people lose their senses and fall into an illusion. He ended up sending another transaction as well. The total scammed amount is close to 50 USD.

That person is very cunning, not like he isn't aware of how the e-commerce sector works. Still got scammed. He asked for ID cards before sending money, It was a clever move but they sent fake card pictures, lol.
I haven’t been scammed so far, fortunately, but to be honest, life scams with me every day or tomorrow. The harsh reality of my life. Among my dumbest work is trusting the wrong people and running toward them to help while destroying my own preferences. My dumb stories are beyond description. Let's keep this for later.

Among all these dumb shits, lemme tell you something sensible that I have learned today. I wish I had learned this a few years ago. How much do you earn? Keep it to yourself. While reading my academic books, I came across a quote saying, “ A penny saved is a penny earned.” This one is true, at the end of the day we should be counting on how much we were able to save after paying for all our needs, that's the net amount that we have earned. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter if we have spent 1000 USD in a month or 100 USD if, at the end of the month, we saved nothing. Obviously the way of living matters but the earned philosophy should work on how we are saving. If I had followed this model then I might have skipped lots of unnecessary spending and haven’t fallen for such hard situations like now.

So whatever you do, check before you step. Whether it's about being dumb or acting wise, gotta think more so we don't regret later.

Have a great day,
Take Care!!