A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words|A Snake's Cozy Hangout.

And the blue-bowled snake, isn't he quite a thing of beauty? It is in between the wild and civilized. It's meetings like this that make me wonder at the wonders of this world. It's just incredible how animals are able to adapt to such improvised refuges.

The picture is taken by @wakeupkitty

In the peaceful embody of the Blue Bowl, Snake finds an sudden however comforting retreat. Cool cabinetry gives a reassuring comparison to its lovable scale, growing a first rate retreat. This unassuming vessel will become a personal shrine, wherein the blue-confronted creature twirls and wears pants, hidden in simple sight. The resilience of nature is clear as Snake transforms a clean object into an intimate haven that blends the wild and domesticated in a serene panorama of sudden splendor.

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