The Mysterious Hair Stylist - "Long Braid" Freewrite

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Talk of a salon with the most satisfied customers, Julie's hair salon comes to mind and she's had no competition for years.

Some thinks she's a super beauty, some thinks she's not, all because she has always had a customized mask on and refused to show her face to customers.

How do you trust your hair with a stylist you can't see her face?
A lot of guys around would always ask.

She's good at her skills and she seem to introduce a new hair style every day.
A lot of the ladies would always respond.

Lilian got to hear of an amazing hair stylist in her new neighborhood and decided to check it out since her hair was long due for a renewal.

Hello, who's in? Do you do long braids here?
Lilian tried not to show that she's heard so much about what the salon can do.

Have a seat ma'am, I got you covered!
An angelic voice was heard from a masked lady as she walked towards her well designed coffee stand.

Lilian couldn't help but noticed how organized Julie was going about her preparation to start making the hair.

Julie brewed a coffee, sip a little, walked towards Lilian, looked at hair for some minutes and made a silent remark about how beautiful Lilian's hair would look when she's done.

Lilian didn't feel comfortable about not seeing Julie's face at first but she fell asleep in just few minutes after Julie began to make her hair.

It was as if Julie did some incantation on her, that was the mystery every other customer couldn't understand and still love about Julie's hair Salon.

Julie's soft hands browsed through Lilian's hair as she hum a beautiful song from her masked mouth, every done braid seem to make her happy to go to the next until she was done.

Ma'am? Ma'am! I'm done, it's 100 bucks
Julie woke the sleeping Lilian to see an amazing look on the mirror.

Oh my goodness! Are you for real? I didn't even ask for half of this, and how come you're so fast?
Julie could see Lilian almost flying with excitement and satisfaction, she smiled satisfactorily too.

Here is a 200 bucks, I'm doubling your pay, I love your braids style!
Lilian said excitedly as she tried to pay a double fee.

Thank you ma'am but I'll take just 100 bucks, you can come another day to get an 100 bucks style again
Julie said in a voice that seem to be smiling inside the mask.

Lilian took back her extra and walked out of the salon feeling so proud of hair as she began to get compliments from a lot of people on the way.

It turned out in the later years that Julie, the mysterious stylist is the CEO of a huge and popular company but had the salon as a secret place for her favourite hobby.

Everyone loved and still love Julie's salon.

This is my entry to the Dreemport collaboration with the freewrite community and I'm in it with my partner @peacious I hope you enjoyed the read.


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