Weekend Freewrite 6/5/2021

Hey, Everyone!

As I've probably said somewhere in here, in addition to drawing, I also like writing. I haven't been doing much of it lately and it shows. The thing you're about to read is not very coherent and really weird and my English is probably a bit clumsy. Also, I wasn't sure how to use the prompt and what were the "rules" 😕 but it was only for 15 minutes so I'm glad I wrote it 😊

Thanks to @mariannewest for the opportunity to do this! I'd accept any comments and advice for my future writing 🤗


... But the lines were down and they could not get a direct connection.
„Get underground?” said Amy.
„Get underground” said Cane and nodded.
They scrambled down the hill and into the mouth of the mine. The thing had been abandoned for tens of years but some of the equipment still worked. Cane managed to find a couple of flashlights and Amy dug up an old map of the tunnels.
„This exit goes the closest to where Mary ended up”, she pointed to the dot in the far end of the map.
The image of her sister holding onto the line post near the coal collector flashed before her eyes and she shivered. Cane put a hand on her shoulder.
„Don't worry. She knows that we're going to find her soon.”

„Now, at the first meeting of the Community Club, I listed my character deficiencies” said Mary ceremoniously from the coal cart she'd climbed on.
„We’re not calling ourselves a community club!” Amy said. „We're only three people, for God’s sake!”
„Plus we've known each other since babies. It's far from our first meeting” added Cane climbing up next to Amy in the other cart.
„Oh, come on, guys!” whined Mary. "It's not fair! I played by all your rules when you suggest games!”
Amy sighed.
„All right. What was it again?”
Mary shined her a smile with three missing teeth.
„You list three things that you don't like about yourself and then say those are your ‘character deficiencies’ ”
Cane leaned towards Amy.
„Which Big Book did she read these words in?”
„Probably the psychology section. She's been all over that wing of Aunt’s library these days.”
"So, what do you say?" Mary asked eagerly.
„Ok, ok” Amy turned to her sister. „You said you were clumsy and selfish and scared of the dark. My turn.”

A dog barked loudly. Mary jumped in the middle of a sentence about how brave she was when it was not dark and pulled the lever she was holding. The lift groaned and creaked, something snapped in the distance and suddenly Mary's cart fell down the line. Amy and Cane's one just dropped on the hill and stood there, awkwardly.
„Help her!” yelled Amy and reached for the cable which was quickly slipping away in the abyss.
Cane jumped forward but instead of the cable he caught Amy. The metal, like a snake, slithered past, almost hitting them in the faces in its descend.
„No! Why?!” Amy cried. „We could have saved her!”
„Are you… kidding me?” Cane said, having a hard time catching his breath. „The speed and weight of that thing would have killed us!”
„But Mary is…”
„... there. See?” Cane pointed to the column in the far end of the mine’s surface.
Mary’s cart had plunged in the darkness of the mines’ heart but she hadn't been inside. She was dangling dangerously, hugging one of the line posts she’d flown past. She collected herself and swung up, then turned to her sister and Cane and gave them a smile with three missing teeth.

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