A pic is worth a thousand words/lost

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I see a ram dozing off on a hill.
I feel kind of sober at it loneliness.

Garry almost shouted out in horror after he counted the flock and discovered one was missing. It was getting quite dark now and the chances of the missing sheep finding it way home were very slim. He proceeded to check the flock one after the other to see which it was, he was pretty certain it was one of the old sheep but which among them, he knew not.
After checking the flock more carefully, he found out it was Hamdi, the 12 year old ram that he had inherited from his father. Hamdi was one of the best and most docile ram among the flock, he was still having a clean white wool and very good pair of horns but his legs were getting weaker as the days go by. Garry was worried because he knew it could not fight back when attacked by the wolves on the grazing valley and neither can it find it way home in the dark.
“I cannot just leave Hamdi out in the cold all alone, I will have to go out and search for him. Am very sure he got up the hill as we left the valley but I guess the climb had weakened him”, Garry said and started locking up the ranch so he could go back in search of his precious ram.
Garry took up his shepherd staff, a sharp machete and a burning torch and got out on the hill to begin his search for the ram. Since it was very dark now, he could not make the flock call his normally does and he prayed Hamdi sees the light and walk up to him.
After search all night and descending the valley twice before daylight, Garry was sad and thought Hamdi has been taken by the wolves that prowl the hills and valleys in their numbers at night. He was very heart broken at the prospect of losing such an old precious ram and the best among his flock.
“I will miss you Hamdi”, Garry said to himself and he proceeded to climb the hill back to his ranch and take out the flock for the day. After walking some miles away the point from which he ascended the hill, he was just rounding a cliff when he saw a white, woolly mass huddled some yards away. His heart skipped a bit and he slowly walking to the scene. He saw it was a ram lying down motionless and he thought it was dead. As soon as he got to the point, the ram stirred and he saw it was Hamdi, the old ram was pretty much unhurt and was dozing off lightly.

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