A pic is worth a thousand words/Loved For All Eternity

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Vanny and Belsie so much loved each other that the two were totally inseparable from each other their love had taken root right from their early stage when they were children, always playing and running together. At first, their parents thought it was just childhood infantuations but it grew with time and as they grew, their love grew with them, getting stonger and stronger as each day passes. Now they were both adults, in their early twenties and it seems they were made to be together from the day they were created.

But one hurdle laid in the path of their almost perfect union and it was such a delicate one that it threatens the peace of their blissful union, Belsie's parents were against their union. It was not always so, at least before the past five years or before Chief Crowly's son, Dawking arrived from the Crestlands. He was a youth in his mid twenties and had been away since he was ten. He had been a childhood admirer of Belsie and a staunch rival of Vanny. They had even had a couple of childish fights over her but all those then were regarded as kids stunts. Now, fifteen years down the line, he was back in town and seeing how beautiful and lovely she had become, his old passion for her had rekindled and since his father was very wealthy, he immediately sort to make her his wife, which ofcourse was not palatable for Belsie as she does not love him and of course Vanny who see his as a dangerous rival.

Belsie's parents were delighted at the show of interest from Dawking, being the son of a wealthy and respectable Chief in the land. They all at once went into forcing Belsie to accept the proposal. Belsie was bent on being married to Vanny whose parents were poor and among the lowly of the land.

Five years later, the pressure had become so much on Belsie and Vanny that they spent all day crying and finding ways to get out of it. Belsie was rarely allowed to see Vanny and Chief Crowly had asked his thug to beat him to pulp whenever he was seen anywhere close to her. This command had been executed twice and Vanny almost went blind from the last pounding he received from these thugs.

"I just feel we should leave this town and go far away were no one can reach us or even disturb us" Belsie said as she sobbed quietly with her head on his chest. They now have to meet secretly at the cave found just at the edge of the town.

"I feel so too for I desire nothing more than to be with you all day, far away from the troubles and haunting of this place". Vanny replied as he gently caressed her hair "But you know we can't. Our parents will be dealth with and my own parents especially will live the rest of their lives horribly, tortured daily by the chief". Vanny pushed on.

Belsie sighed deeply. "What do we do now, I don't want to marry any other man except you. It is better I die!" Belsie said.

"I have an Uncle who lives at a town seventy miles away, he owns an estate and he has asked me to come and learn under him. He assured my parents he will hand over 30% of the estate over to me once I showed am capable within the next two years. I will be off in five days time, will you wait for me, My love?" Vanny asked with tears in his eyes.
"I will wait a billion years for you if I have to, not even the threat of death can force me into the arms of another man. We are destined for each other". Belsie replied.
"Thank you, My joy. I will return great and reach to take you away. I promise." Vanny promised.
"Promise you will never leave me and will return to take me out of here?" Belsie said looking him deep in the eyes.
"I promise!" Vanny said.

A year later, Belsie's life was a living hell. The pressure on her to marry Dawking had become so great that her parents threatened to tied her up and take her to his house if she refuse to accept him willingly. For the first three months after Vanny left, they exchanged letters weekly but for the past nine months, no letter had come from him and even the one she sent to him recieves no reply. Vanny was settling in fine and was learning very fast, beyond how his Uncle expected and he had immediately sent him to another large town fifty miles further to handle his bigger estate there. He had been taken unaware and could not write to inform Belsie. Since he had less than three months to spend there, he thought of writing to her once he returned. Therefore, all the letters she had been sending to him had not been able to reach him.

She was getting restless and heartbroken. One night, she woke up and taking up a pen she wrote a letter and secretly sent one of her trusted friend to take it up to Vanny's parents house and give it to them directly, asking them to keep it until he returns then pass it to him. In it, she wrote;

My Earthly Pearl,

Before you read this letter, I would have been long dead and sitting astride the silver strand of the brightest star and looking upon you. I have always sat at the cave at the town's entrance where we meet, everyday to await the horses of the carrier as they rode into town to deliver the letters, hoping yours will be among them but none was meant for me. I always dream of the day you will come for me, wealthy and most respectable of men, to make me yours and yours alone forever.

Despite the dangerous tide threatening to wash away my love for you, I have stood my ground like a huge mountain which can neither be moved by time or tide, for just the thought of you alone keeps me breathing gives me hope of a better day to come, a better life with you.
But I can't face the brunt any longer, I have been beaten and the seige on my soul by my money hungry parents and the greedy Chief Crowly and hia son have beaten down my wall of defence and now threaten to break my divine resolve to love and live as yours alone. I have tried my best but it seems my strength and will can no longer match theirs and I have determined to leave this world instead of breaking my promise to you.

I have taken the juice of the deadly Vulni flower and few hours from now, I will be lying cold on the bed where I sit to write this letter. And as tradition demands for those who take their own life, I will be laid in the cave at the outskirt of the town which coincidentally, is where we always meet before you left. There I will lay and wait for you, even if it takes a million years before you come, know that I will wait for you up there in the brightest star you always pointed out to me. There I will wait for you.

I love you, even In death, my jewel.
Yours forever

                                                                                              **K. Belsie**
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