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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.


• What I see : a cat in a bag
• What I feel : a cat in a bag easily gives off the feeling of telling a secret, as in the popular saying "let the cat out of the bag".

Old man Gayle

Old man Gayle,
Had weakingly weak and dim eyes,
His legs wobbling on wretched dry pine,
He was bent over as a hook line.
He spoke once upon a time,
with a pitch reaching to the skies,
But his voice now had a timer to words chyme.

Had a cat to hide,
And everytime he eyes,
Met another man's eyes,
He felt his heart pound,
Against it's cage,
He suspected he was found.

He had lived "a year too many",
And had a bag full of one secret too many,
His house spoke,
And the doors closed on their own.
A soldier of bones,
And a fireplace that blew cold.

The villagers did try and pry,
But confounded they were every single time.
Once did they invite him to a village play,
A plot to from his house keep him away.
Sometime later, the soldier of bones they stole,
But yet in awe they were left cold.

Old man Gayle,
had a cat to hide,
and his bag was air-tight,
whatever anyone did try,
the cats never came out of the bag,
now it's a story for all bards.
