A Pic is Worth a Thousand Words.


• What I see : a flying duck.
• What I feel : freedom at last.

Freedom at last

I was within the four-walls of captivity,
I watched time grow bent over,
Days into weeks,
Weeks into months,
And months turn years.

I watched my feathers grow,
And I watch them fall away,
I wished I could fly,
But the box kept me at bay,
And I but drown in self-pity.

I watched the daystar rise and fall,
But my feathers never picked up it's scent.
Our numbers went from much,
To some and then a few,
And when the glint grew brighter,
My life was there at the edge.

But the day I saw the light,
It was the window of opportunity,
I flapped my wings,
And I felt alive.
I was in the air,
And then over waters,
It was freedom at last.


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