Day 1962: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: email sent

Rejoice and Leo had been childhood friends but from different countries but education brought them together. After their graduation party, it was time for the two friends to part ways.

Rejoice needed to spend enough time with Leo before his department. She picked up her phone and typed an email and clicked on the send button on her email and expected a positive response. The outcome was turning negative as she waited for hours yet no response, the sun was almost going down and it was getting dark and she assumed Leo didn't want to see her again.

Days went by and Rejoice didn't get a reply and she believed her assumption was right. "I made the mistake of hitting the send button, I should have sought his concern, I feel so mad at myself." She said feeling so bad.

Photo credit @mariannewest

Just immediately she finished soliloquizing, she heard her message notification sound and she checked and it was a reply from Leo. "I'm so sorry it took this long to reply to your message. Dear Rejoice, I have been so busy preparing for my departure. I have not had time to check my email messages or send emails to others." He explained in his reply.

After that, he typed another email message which read "I love your suggestion and I would love us to have a sit out together before my departure, tomorrow will be fine, text me at your leisure. "

She read his reply and was very happy. The day came and they met at a cozy restaurant. They were eating and talking, cracking jokes and laughing excitedly. She felt so connected and never wanted the moment to end. After a long time, they decided to say goodbye.

They were feeling so bad that Leo's departure would make each other's hearts grow fonder. But they assured one another that their friendship will continue no matter the distance.

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