A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty

Describe what you see

I see a picture of Hawks and a warrior dressed with a sword

Describe what you feel

I feel the land is in chaos causing everyone to strive for survival.

A poem about what you think

Life is a struggle of survival,
Every day, we hustle and bustle for many reasons, Hawks seek their prey to survive, and we pursue hawks as prey. Since everything has a prey, should life be about the survival of the fittest?

Being alive is a never-ending battle, should survival be a term of uncertainty?
We flee from our comfort zone out of fear for our safety.

While some places beg for human contact, all they get is desertion. Where can one find contentment?
We all yearn for a happy life, but it's hard to come by.
Every species has a tale of survival and uncertainty to share.
We are scared of one another's motives.

The land itself is dangerous to live on, the ground is hard, harsh and unbothered, we want for contentment!!! Humans cry, only to get deprived,
Aggression for satisfaction prevails,
And the end result is desolation and destruction.

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