Pic1000- The Toy

The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Deep in the heart of the town, just behind the big old oak tree was a toy repair shop. Inside, were shelves which were carefully lined with different toys of all shapes and sizes, archaic and present.

And in the back corner, just below the owner's desk was a little wooden gremlin toy, who has waited years to be fixed.

The poor toy had sat there for a long time. Within this period he has seen many other toys come and go, but he never seemed to get fixed. No matter how hard or the tricks he used just to be noticed, all was fruitless. So he sat there day after day, hoping for a turn.

One chilly winter morning, Jenny, this tiny whirlwind from the neighborhood, stormed into the shop. Slamming her doll on the counter, she shot the shopkeeper a look that screamed, "I'm super bummed, okay?"

The shopkeeper looked at the girl and ,with a kind smile, he already knew what the problem was.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," he said. "We'll get your doll fixed up in no time."

Just then, the little plastic gremlin spoke up. "Please fix me, too?"

The shopkeeper and the girl looked at the gremlin's surprise. "You can talk!" he exclaimed.

"Well, I don't do it often," the car replied. "But I just couldn't stand by and watch while you fix other toys and not me."

The shopkeeper and the girl stared in shock. Then the girl said, "How much to fix him and buy him too.
"But we don't know if he's harmless. I can't give him out"

"Look at those eyes, they don't look like they can harm" the girl pleaded again.

"Well, you've been patient all this time," he said. "I think it's about time we give you a new life and a new home."
And so, the shopkeeper got to work, fixing up the little plastic gremlin toy. He super glued joints, and polished where necessary until the toy looked good as new.

When the job was done, the little girl and the little gremlin both looked at the shopkeeper with big smiles on their faces. "Thank you so much!" they said together.

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