Pic1000: Life - A Rabbit Hole.

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Life is more rabbit hole than we think,
Its filled with twist and turns that leaves many to sink,
Though we may plan our route and set our pace,
But then, there are wild turns we just can't trace.

For at times it seems like we're in control,
With all our plans and goals in sight,
Suddenly, the world shifts beneath our feet,
And, like a dream we're lost again in a strange new land.

Sometimes we search deeper down this endless tunnel,
Broken and alone, scared and lost,
Fighting the darkness all around us,
And on the worst days, we pay dreadful costs.

Yet like a wildfire, we go farther to places unknown.
Seeking for our joys and wonders beyond measure,
Longing for the pain and love that's all our own.
Can we ever tell what we get in life's rabbit hole?

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