Pic1000- Leo The Fire Breather


“Watch this!” he yelled to the crowd. His confidence was above normal. He was born to do this. To play with fire, to entertain the crowd with the flames from his mouth. The fire had been his life.

An act he had done a thousand times or maybe more. He couldn't remember but that has been what has been putting food on his table. And this performance was nothing different; it was like every other performance he has done, although a little bit special because of the number of people gathered to watch him.

The sun was gradually sinking behind the mountains as he stood tall on the stage. The sky was a combination of hues of pink and orange. Giving his performance the perfect background it needed.

He took a deep breath and lifted his torch, the flames flickering in the air; he proceeded to bring the torch close to his lips. He could hear the silence from the crowd. He could tell they were so engrossed for him to do his magic.

With a deep inhale and a cool liquid in his mouth. He exhaled, sending forth a plume of giant fire from his mouth. Bright, fierce and the biggest flame he has ever done. Lightening up the almost darkness. So high as if to touch the heavens. Illuminating the spectator's face. There was a loud gasp from the crowd, mesmerised by its beauty. Then followed by loud cheers and applause.

That was exactly what he lived for. Entertaining the crowd with his fire that doesn't just burn within but outside too.

His name was 'Leo The Fire Breather'.

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