PIC1000 - Cheese In The Lot.

Photo taken by @wakeupkitty, used for the purpose of responding to this Freewriters Initiative

The plastic bag crinkled in the breeze as it blew across Wal-Mart's parking lot, clearly must have fallen out of someone's grocery shopping bag unknowingly. Inside this plastic bag sat the cheese, frozen, forgotten and abandoned. Its once-soft, creamy texture had hardened and turned a sickly shade of pale yellow. It's colour imitates a now-sour state.

The cheese lay there in the parking lot as it grew dark and quiet, people coming and going as they went about their daily lives. Frozen and probably won't be longed for, appreciated or savoured once again. To every shopper it was a piece of leftover cheese, now destined for the garbage bin.

Just then a homeless, haggardly looking man came dragging himself through the parking lot, his whole property hanging over his shoulders. In the dark night his foot accidentally caught on the plastic bag, sending him and his loads almost tumbling to the ground.

Gently he bent over and looked at the plastic bag, his eyes lit up as he saw the cheese, and he reached down to pick it up.

"I wonder if I can still eat this!" the man exclaimed, " I'm starving" he added inspecting the cheese closely.

The man popped the cheese into his mouth, savouring the taste. "Yummy, finally, food for the night. I better take some to my brother's". He exclaimed.

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