Pic 1000 - Confused

Picture by freewriters

"Don't you think it's time to move on? Come with me" the strange woman said.

Emily didn't want to but she felt herself moving following the strange woman. She couldn't tell how she got to this dark world, every thing felt different from the world we lived in. It was a place of shadows and uncertainty, The air was heavy and burdensome, and the landscape was filled with t jagged rocks. The sky was silver in colour and foreboding. She felt lost and alone .

The strange woman got to a large mirror and casted some spell on it and immediately the mirror opened up to a portal that leads to a whole new world. Clear opposite of the dark world.

A realm bursting with light, beauty, and serenity, flowers popped up in every hue, while butterflies darted around like colourful confetti. A river meander gently through the meadow, and birdsongs echoed, creating a symphony of chaos and charm. The sun beamed down, enveloping everything in a cosy, yet bewildering haze.

She's there, in the doorway, caught between two worlds. One's all sunshine and brightness, the other, darkness and shadows. Warmth kisses her cheek from the sun, while a chill creeps in from the night. She's torn, not knowing which way to go, lost in the swirl of uncertainty.
"What should I do?" she asked the strange woman, her voice shaking with uncertainty.

"Make your choice my dear" pointing to the dark world. "Do you want to remain in here with me all because you're brooding over the loss of your party for years. Which in the end is at your own detriment or" pointing to the bright sunny world " would you want to move on and let it all behind and be happy again just as your parents would have wanted you to be. It's your choice".

Feeling someone behind her, watching, waiting for her choice, she took a breath, then stepped forward into the bright world. The strange woman had been right; it was time to move on.

All at once, darkness vanished, and light flooded her world. Trees burst into bloom, flowers sprang to life, and birds erupted into song as the sun blazed overhead. Immediately she felt this overwhelming sense of peace and serenity, a feeling she'd never quite comprehended until that moment.

She felt a tap on her shoulders and a familiar voice echoing her name.

"Emily!! Emily!... wake up, we're going to be late for your late parents remembrance"

Immediately she jerked up from the bed to see her friend dressed in black staring right into her face. "Are you okay?" Her friend asked.

Emily nodded. "It was all a dream". She said, grabbing her jacket and following her friend.

Although it would be hard but she knew the strange woman was right it was time to move on.

What I see A girl standing in-between two realms. One is of darkness and silverly without a since of life. The other has sunshine and mere looking at it promises life.

*What I feel The girl is in a confused state of whether to remain in the dark world or move to the new sunny world.

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