Panda Palate

The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritelive

Panda Palate stood like a dwarf in the midst of sky touching buildings. It was the heart of the big city. The most sought after restaurant. Its signature touch being a miniature stuffed white panda that was used to adorned each table, a mascot that delighted patrons young and old alike. A gift to every child leaving the restaurant. It became a walking advertisement for the establishment's warm hospitality.

As it has always been, the air inside Panda Palate was filled with the savoury aroma of culinary delights. As the family of Mr Alex stepped into the restaurant. They found a table and made their orders: three cups of yoghurt and a tempting slice of cake. A lone stuffed panda named Blizzard sat at the table patiently. This family were known regulars who adored the cuisine at Panda Palate

Just as the waiter placed their orders, a frantic phone call came. It was an emergency from school, where her son, Alex Jnr, was attending a special event. An unexpected accident had occurred, causing concern among the school staff, summoning the family away from the restaurant.

Mr Alex, gripped with worry, rushed to the scene alongside her wife, Emily. Their initial orders at Panda Palate were hastily forgotten as they scurried through the anxious moments, hoping for their sons well-being.

Luckily they met Alex Jnr with a minor injury at school.

Back at Panda Palate, the manager, Mrs. Lee, noticed the untouched table and the forsaken panda. Concern etched across her face, she wanted to know which customer had left without touching their food.

Upon investigation, Mrs. Lee discovered the table was for the Alex family. She inquired more and discovered the unfortunate family incident which had made them abandon their orders. Moved by empathy, she decided to send their orders to them. She gathered the uneaten dessert and Blizzard, packaged them with care and left a heartfelt note for the family:

""Dear Emily, Mark, and Alex,

Unexpected things happen, but our dessert and Blizzard, the white panda, patiently await your return. Panda Palate is here with warmth whenever you're ready. Take care, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Mrs. Lee and the Panda Palate Team"

As the evening unfolded, the family returned, still shaken from their emergency. To their surprise, they found a thoughtful package waiting for them at their doorstep – with a note reminding them of Panda Palate's warmth even in unexpected situations. The burst of joy on their faces were unfathomable exactly what Panda Palate aimed to provide.

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