Legend Of The Mountain Sorceress

Pic is AI generated by @wakeupkitty for this contest

"Whoa, check out that scene," Jake exclaimed, pointing to the painting in the gallery.

"Yeah, it's mesmerising," Emily replied, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Imagine if that was real and we were able to explore it," Jake mused.

Emily nodded, lost in thought. "It looks real, like there's a story behind it."

"Actually, there is." A voice said from behind.

They quickly turned around to see an old man with a seriousness in his eye.

"For real?"

"Yes. I kid you not" the elderly man said while clearing his throat. "I once lived in a village near those mountains," he began. "Legend had it that a powerful sorceress lived in a castle atop one of them but only in the shadows, staring at the stars for hours. The moon hungs low, giving just enough light to see. It felt like the universe was saying sorry for the dull world below. People thought she felt connected to it all. She believed she was a heavenly being and needed to be in the heavens where her lover resides. She felt as if she could just reach out and touch the faraway skies and then she's reunited with her lover".

Jake and Emily leaned in, eager to hear more.

"Yes, she sorceress was rumoured to possess the ability to control the colours of light in the galaxy," the man continued. "But her quest also shrouded her in darkness, because her heart was consumed by loneliness."

"Wow," Emily breathed. "So, what then happened?"

"No one knows for sure," the man said mysteriously.

"Some say she still roams the mountains, searching for companionship and a way to heaven to be with her lover. Others believe she vanished into the night, her castle disappearing with her."

Jake and Emily exchanged a glance, their imaginations running wild.
"Sounds like an adventure," Jake said with a grin.

"Absolutely," Emily chimed in. "Who knows what kind of secrets those mountains are hiding? Maybe we should add uncovering the mysteries of the mountain and the sorceress to our list of future adventures!"

Jake nodded, "sure would do".

As they left the gallery, the painting filled them with a sense of excitement and adventure. They were ready to know what mysteries and adventures that lies beyond the mountain of the sorceress.

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