[Esp-Eng] Freewrite para hoy viernes 14 de mayo de 2021 馃挒 Freewrite for today Friday May 14, 2021

Freewrite para hoy viernes 14 de mayo de 2021

Freewrite for today Friday May 14, 2021

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feliz y bendecido dia, me encanta @freewritehouse nos brinda la oportunidad de poner a prueba nuestras habilidades con muchas iniciativas creativas para dejar salir al escritor que todos llevamos por dentro.

happy and blessed day, I love @freewritehouse gives us the opportunity to put our skills to the test with many creative initiatives to let out the writer that we all have inside.


Tema para hoy viernes:
...Lo que vino antes...

Topic for today Friday:
... What came before ...

En una epoca antigua exist铆an unas peque帽as hadas que eran tan malvadas como hermosas, eran tan peque帽as como una hormiga, esto era debido a una terrible maldici贸n que las condeno cuando mataron un hermoso Unicornio,no fue su intenci贸n, los Unicornios para ellas eran como dioses celestiales de un coraz贸n tan puro, digno de admiraci贸n, fue un error, ellas lo amaban, las hadas eran criaturas hermosas, delicadas que sorprendentemente estaban llenas de odio y maldad, lo que vino antes de su odio era solo bondad por la humanidad, la magia y la naturaleza, que fue traicionada y devastada. si! traicionada por los humanidad, que solo querian riquezas, tierras y lujos, Castillos y edificios, los humanos a su paso solo dejaban desidia y destrucci贸n, talaron los bosques de las hadas y ellas juraron venganza, tratando de vengarse de los humanos ocurri贸 el terrible error, Ese donde el Unicornio murio, era una trampa, donde el en su bondad y nobleza cayo asi el unicornio muri贸, entre tanto dolor las Hadas perdonaron a los humanos con la esperanza que ellos mismos entendieran y su amor por la naturaleza y aprendieran a cuidarla, al perdonar a los humanos y soltar su odio sus corazones volvieron a ser nobles, logrando asi poner fin a su maldici贸n, el Unicornio recobro la vida por la magia de la Naturaleza y ellas, las hadas ahora son una con el unicornio viviendo en su bosque encantado, lejos de la humanidad, esperando ese dia tan anhelado donde la humanidad y la naturaleza vuelvan a vivir una con la otra sin da帽os, en paz, en armon铆a! Donde vale mas la vida de una flor que un edificio de 煤ltima generaci贸n! Ellas estan alli, esperando que la magia que esta en nuestro coraz贸n fluya con la luz y la energ铆a del Universo y es asi como lo que vino antes una ve se enmend贸 馃挒

In an ancient time there were some little fairies that were as evil as they were beautiful, they were as small as an ant, this was due to a terrible curse that condemned them when they killed a beautiful Unicorn, it was not His intention, the Unicorns for them were like heavenly gods of such a pure heart, worthy of admiration, it was a mistake, they loved him, fairies were beautiful, delicate creatures that were surprisingly full of hatred and evil, which came before his hatred was only kindness for humanity, magic and nature, which was betrayed and devastated. Yes! Betrayed by humanity, who only wanted riches, lands and luxuries, Castles and buildings, the humans in their wake left only neglect and destruction, they cut down the forests of the fairies and they swore revenge, trying to take revenge on the humans, the terrible mistake occurred That where the Unicorn died, was a trap, where in his goodness and nobility he fell so the unicorn died, in the midst of so much pain the Fairies forgave the humans with the hope that they themselves understood their love for nature and learned to take care of it. , by forgiving the humans and releasing their hatred, their hearts became noble again, thus managing to end their curse, the Unicorn regained life through the magic of Nature and they, the fairies are now one with the unicorn living in their enchanted forest, far from humanity, waiting for that long-awaited day where humanity and nature will once again live with each other without damage, in peace, in harmony! Where the life of a flower is worth more than a state-of-the-art building! They are there, waiting for the magic that is in our hearts to flow with the light and energy of the Universe and that is how what came before was once amended 馃挒

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