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#freewrite :: Prompt for Day 1214: in moments of stress

Her hand wouldn't stop shaking. She looked at the clock, ten more minutes to midnight before submission time. Her boss was waiting for her charts and all she could do was to scroll up and down the slides.

Numbers. Charts. She couldn't tell if there were any mistake but she knew no matter how many rounds she checked, there was bound to be some mistake that her boss would spot. That was one thing she could not understand. Why could she not spot her mistake?

She looked at the slides one last time. It wouldn't make a difference, she said a prayer and went ahead to press "Send".

Midnight. It was her bedtime but her mind wouldn't rest. She looked at her phone, hoping her boss wouldn't call her. She closed her eyes but in moments of stress like these, her mind wouldn't shut down. She switched on the telly and let it run, hoping she might fall asleep.

Two years... that was how long it had been. She couldn't count the number of times she has cried because of this job but she had no other choice. Times were tough and she could only be thankful to still have a job. But for how long more could she hang on?

Image from Dawit on Unsplash

This is my entry to @mariannewest's freewrite prompt.