We Are Entering The New Year

We are used to counting the days. Make lists and plan, plan.
Is there another day in the year that a person looks forward to as recklessly and sincerely as Christmas? Every year. Baking gingerbread, buying gifts, planning home decorations and meetings with loved ones start in advance. Waiting is very good. Waiting for Christmas seems to make people better. And it is magical. But after Christmas comes the New Year with a new beginning.

There is a time in life when Christmas itself is a great, indescribable miracle. There are times in life when soap bubbles about elves and Santa Claus burst. You learn the truths you didn't want to know and realize that everything was not a miracle, but a stupid lie. You get angry at the world, at Christmas, and most of all at yourself for not learning to enjoy it anymore. Maybe not the Grinch, but the truth steals Christmas, miracles and joy in the heart...

And finally, there is a time when you realize that you can create miracles yourself. Little by little... every little thing can be a small miracle. A smile, a kind word, a hug, a sincere conversation, a cup of hot chocolate, a snowflake that fell on your nose or a frozen palm in His palm. And Christmas returns to the heart. A Christmas miracle, too. Now it's not Santa Claus and reindeer anymore, it's just us. Our hearts and feelings. Kindness and faith.

But everything is over, it passes. It's time to welcome the New Year. With each end of the year and anticipation of the New Year, the belief in a possible new miracle grows rapidly in everyone's heart, that the coming year will be better. Such faith should be carried in your heart every day - that tomorrow will be better, not just next year.

I really want every person to boldly and firmly realize that everything in his life depends only on himself. That every situation has a faster or slower solution, but it really does! Then no external crisis is dangerous for him, when inside there is always a strong belief in the so-called waiting for a miracle that things will get better. It is not only important to believe, but no less important - to be responsible for yourself and your life.

Accordingly, always try, try not give up, do, strive. Only then can we hope and wait for a miracle. No one has anything to give to anyone... Neither fate nor other people. As much as you give to yourself, so much will you have. Do not believe a fairy tale that if you get something or something is given to you - then you will become happy. This is not true. Inner happiness cannot be bought, it cannot be obtained from anything. Inner happiness is felt in everyday little things. And a person is most happy when he can give something to himself, to others, to the world.

When you look at the world correctly - you will see how strong, gifted, talented you are, how many possible opportunities you have not used and how many small miracles are around you that you did not notice because you were waiting... So, create your own life story, be its main hero, and you will get miracles of life! Then the coming year will definitely be better!


With love, @madeirane
Photos are taken by me.
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