Think With Caffeine #9 : Caffeine & Calorie

About time.

Today I am feeling much better. I am already almost 80% recovered from the full swing misery of cold and acid reflux. So, I decided to brew some good coffee as a reward. The water is brewing now and while I am at it, let's have a little chat.

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Since I found out the answer to my life-long problem with weight loss, I was ecstatic. I commit to myself to never again under or even over-eat as I have found the amount of food needed for my body to function properly. Today, I am starting all over, especially changing my mindset about calorie. I used to be scared of "calorie" because I am afraid that eating too much would cause me to gain weight. However more often, I would under eat.

For instance, in the morning I would eat only 3 spoons of oatmeal. That is not even a whole cup. With that little amount of food I used to eat, I got extremely starving during lunch and would binge. However, for the first time ever, I felt satisfied. I started adding eating a cup of oatmeal. I wasn't that starving and even ate a bit later than my designed lunch time. For lunch, I had two eggs and six cubed tofu. These were very filling too and makes me hungry just exactly during my dinner time, which is now.

I had coffee during lunch, 8gr sugar with 2 tablespoon of instant coffee. For now, I am brewing real coffee, not the instant one as my brain is shutting down after playing some chess with random strangers. Today, I am mixing 1 teaspoon Arabica and 1 teaspoon Robusta using French Press. I am quite excited how it will turn out. But first, to avoid triggering my acid reflux, I have to eat. The dinner menu today is noodle with half chicken breast, tofu, spinach and bokcoy. As I entered all the information, I ended up eating 1319 calorie. Previously, this number made me afraid but now it's not anymore. What's good is that I am not always thinking about food or feel like I've not eaten in days.

Anyway... my coffee is ready. See you in my next think with caffeine.

~ Mac


Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies. In Hive, she enjoys writing essays, reviews and answering life philosophical questions. If you love coffee, don't hesitate to send her a message or interact with her via twitter @macwyls.
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