5 Minute Freewrite: Not Surprising



Music meant everything to Celeste. She was a high school student who practiced violin day and night. She had a talent in playing the violin. She couldn’t imagine having a successful carrier in music. Her boyfriend encouraged her to continue her passion and believed in her succeeding.

At some point, Celeste wanted to forget about music and pursue business or marketing and become a business woman. She thought she would continue music as a hobby, not a profession. But her boyfriend changed her mind. He told her if she wants it, she should go get it. She can’t back down now that she came so far.

Celeste tried her best and got accepted into a well-known and prestigious music school. After a few years of studying and practicing, she was surprised she was selected to perform in a concert. But her boyfriend was not surprised at all because he knew she would make it someday.

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