5 Minute Freewrite: Insulation



Joseph and Anna, a young couple, moved into a new apartment. The building was built in the nineties. It was quite old. Their friends advised them not to rent an apartment in that neighborhood. But their money was not enough to rent an apartment in a better neighborhood. They had to bear it until they could afford a better apartment in a good neighborhood.

The most difficult part of residing in that apartment was the noise. Because the insulation was old and of a poor quality, they could hear their neighbors from the other side of the wall. They found out that their neighbor is into dark stuff like magic.

They could hear people coming and going from their house who had supernatural problems. They could hear noise and strange humming and conjuring sessions. That was enough reason for them to move out from there. But where would they go? They had no money and 9 months was still left from their lease. No one lent them money. They had to bear their strange neighbor.

Their neighbor's name was Alyson and everything was fine with her except her profession. She was a witch. She often invited Joseph and Anna to her house, but they refused to go there because they were afraid of her. She was used to them being afraid of her, so she teased them from time to time. She also occasionally put spells on other neighbors. She got pleasure from it.

Because they were not friendly and didn't accept her profession, she decided to put a spell on them. What Joseph and Anna were afraid of happened to them. It was a separation spell.

They would fight with each other every day. Fortunately, they were smart, and they found out that it is Alyson's doing. They didn't have money to pay to break the spell. So, they had only one solution: to study magic themselves to fight Alyson. They learned how to protect themselves from dark magic, and they taught other neighbors the same, and together they reversed all dark magic Alyson put on them.

Alyson was overwhelmed from all that dark energy. After some time, Alyson decided that it is better to move from that apartment because it was no longer safe for her to live there.

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