Not sharing

Helen is over protective of her little brother Sam who is a sensitive kid and doesn't talk much.
Like any other kid he'd play with his sister and cousins but doesn't always get along with other kids. At times he'd fight with others especially when it comes to letting other kids use his toys as he'd use theirs but would refuse when he doesn't let them use his. Helen would always take his side no matter what. Not knowing he could as well be the problem. Sam doesn't like his situation but can't help himself.

He'd think to himself that they're all bad but the ones he'd call bad would share and not mind doing so. Once he notices this he tries to push himself by giving and giving. Gives a lot more than he should and losses himself in it as some of them took advantage of the new Sam.
Helen decided to take control of situations by limiting things. Even though she comes off too hard at times it helped him balance things well. It helped him open up a bit more and most importantly knowing when and what to share and knowing when to keep things for himself too.
I guess being young adds a lot to unlearning and learning in a quick way. Even though some people carry this attitude of not sharing into adulthood it barely satisfies them. "Not enough" is what they may think until it becomes so natural that it becomes personal not to.

Thanks for reading, writing for the dailyprompt "not sharing". Prompt post link below.

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