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In a cosmos world and planet of the dragon, there lies it all its powers for magic, healing, music, dancing, fire, and so many other different numerous powers and magic found in each mushroom used for it specific purpose and uniqueness. Each blessed day the dragon will come watch over and count each of the mushroom to find out if any was missing and if any was found missing it ensures it follows the route to discover whether is was stolen or faded away and die or something drastic else has happened to it. The dragon normally goes out everyday in search of other ordinary mushroom that is neutral and has no any power or magic on it yet and when it finds one it picks it and brings it home, place it to the next one and breath its heavily breath of magic on it to be released on the newly found mushroom and it will say unto it this will be your used and function and so it will be cause the dragon has a mysterious power on its tongue and by just saying what its wishes to say so shall it stand and will be. The dragon has a unique and smart way of doing this because it wants to raise and breed different of types of specie of its kind and each dragon with its specific function, magic, and assignment so that when they grow they can also go out find their type of specie and by doing such its kingdom and cosmos is gradually expanding and advancing.

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