Too real for you, enter at your own risk: Crypto and Internet safety

What's up ghost Peeps! Because we all know that's what it will be. Where I get too real for Ya'll. Where I explore the values or lack thereof that is currently pissing me off in society. This one is going to touch the various safety aspects and emotions running thru. I know everyone clicked off right about now, walking away to fight the urge to downvote it or write an insensitive comment. I still appreciate the silent effort don't worry why I warn you ahead of time so you don't need to waste it on bullshit you don't like. For those of you who like to think well.

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I guess who knows...maybe it's just a good way to keep annoying my bullies since I'm annoyed and grossly outnumbered. One would call it incinerating my own channel, to be honest there isn't much to incinerate on this blog, to be honest. Nothing even matters anyway. My ladybug blog was my light, I suppose after that got taken away, I tried again here but it feels like a moot point in life like many other things these days. Anywhere you put humans, the suck factor will continue to creep until you mentally puke it out, like the poison strangers tried to feed me on various innocent outings...repeatedly. You don't care now and think it's whining, sure maybe in part, what if I'm trying to warn you about dangers you are also susceptible to but chose to ignore because well we live in a world that's allergic to reality and the truth. Let me remind you, parts of this story incudes digital spying, stalking, illegal surveillance of strangers and other innocent people for various reasons. You all think you are anonymous behind a pseudo name and a vpn but are you? Or is it an uneducated and false sense of reality that helps you sleep at night? Is it because you never experienced it therefore it must not be true? Do you ever hear about these stories on the news?

What is it society? All of you with large wallets, how do you know you are not at risk. You ignore and probably roll your eyes at these types of posts but can you even afford to? Just waiting to find out who's next is more absorbable mentally? How many of you have unsuspecting families that you may also be putting at risk with lack of consideration for things or a delusion perpetuated in an echo chamber community type environment that might pop one's bubble and cause the look at the uncomfortable. I might not be wort it, how about your loved ones tho? I suppose that's not for me to judge.

Although I'm not a crypto millionaire, doesn't mean there isn't haters and evil doers for various reasons. What if even a quarter of my story shared here that you squirmed out of awkwardness ever came out on the news to validate, how about then, would it be more believable? Would you feel bad that someone was genuinely taking the internet to ask for assistance and everyone thought it was a joke and laughed it off? Just walked away because it was too awkward. The safety of someone you used to like somehow doesn't matter now because she blogs about shit we don't want to acknowledge?

Things that go against the well manicured lawn façade of internet fakery. One that claims itself in authenticity but only if we find it acceptable and doesn't burst our rosy worldviews. Talk about an awkward news story. You know what I think? Nobody can handle their own reality of the world around them so they bury themselves in a rosy echo chamber bubble where everything is positive and anyone dare say otherwise should be lynched, socially and digitally. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP...your forcing me to see society for what is....go away loser is the common message. We will shun you until you go away on your own if not we'll try to murder you. Maybe the world would be better off if those failed assholes would have gotten me. I agree.

Did you receive the exorcism I was trying to gift you with, does it burn whatever you call the absence of a soul you posses? I would really like to know for research purposes. Don't worry, it wasn't intended towards anyone specific, just the cause. Does the power of prayer work or not? I'm sure everyone is waiting to find out if god exists or not...So what's the verdict? I'm just as curious. One curious observation that I try to shake off but sometimes too many coincidences may not be one despite not fully understanding the correlation's happen 4 times or more the next day or 2 after, his face shows up on the news so there has to be something I'm not catching fully. The entertaining part of it all, his last name is skibicki but in every news cast, the newscasters says skibitzki yet spell it differently, all of them, across all outlets. I swear this slight annoyance is strait out of my playbook, I do that too. RESPECT. I think it's glorious, that enrages psychopaths, a mild form of poetic justice to have their name pronounced wrong over and over again, even worse when they know it's purposefully. I know, I'm like a hemroid that like to trigger assholes! What's he in for? Luring, drugging at least 4 unsuspecting women to his apartment to rape and murder them, to just throw them in the neighborhood trash bin for city collection like morning garbage, people reported anomalies several time. No he's no concern, until they have to go back and scan an entire landfill for the remains of the victims while making their families watch on national tv.

I genuinely don't wanna be here either, in body or spirit. Jeepers, I don't even have my basic charter of rights as a Canadian, that's pretty fucking epic. It only applies to criminals with money to pay off justice system staff and blackmail and those released 97 times out on bail for 200 counts of violent offences that do their bidding in exchangeable favors. Wouldn't want the white collar leaders of society with blood on their hands. That's ok, it's in their mouths. Still counts...or at least it should if we lived in a world where things were fair. Don't worry, I'm not delusional. I know fair and safety only exist for some. Those with money that can afford it. People always wondered what was up with that but like good brainwashed humans, when the answer is given...LETS REJECT REJECT REJECT! That person is CRAAAZY! So come finish your job fucktards...Our rainbow anniversary is coming up If you gonna be murderers, the least you can do is have some fucking skill at it you failed unhinged demon spawn(s). Isn't it suppose to get you a bunch of easy money to do so anyway? Speaking beyond my stolen blog obviously. How about you cops and justice system, what's your excuse? 3 years or more of knowing about someone's murder, digital harassment, stalking, multiple poisonings and drudged drinks just casually watching despite me asking for help in quite frankly, multiple ways both proper or improperly on my blog. You still can't be bothered to knock on my door and ask me one question yet? Or explain why you are complicit is stalking an innocent person on the behalf of the government? We all know you know where I live...haha.

Don't I deserve answers at some point? Some basic level of courtesy? Should I report my own blog for the news to analyze? Fuck, maybe they can get me answers faster. They are probably apathetic too but never know, they might find some cool stories going back in my timeline. Maybe my murder makes my blog and story heard once and for all. Maybe then society will care that I'm wrongfully being interfered with and targeted on an epically disgusting level that will only be so after I'm dead unfortunately but probably not...maybe if I was a dude but I'm not. Even then I probably deserve more then that but we clearly can't agree on my worth and the price of a safe life I request is too expensive for my humble beginnings. Just a discard of society from the beginning, strait from birth. Tiny little baby deemed unlovable and undeserving of a safe life by an entire society.

How about you various law officials involved, can you have the human decency to knock on my door and tell me to my face why I don't deserve safety? Peace? Why I'm not worth it? Canadian rights as a citizen? Can you please tell me to my face what I have ever done to you to be devalued in such a way by multiple without a simple afterthought? Why I'm watched like a criminal for a long time, years with no explanation why? How about hidden medical experiments on children or other unsuspecting adults? What are the disclosure laws on that? When do I deserve to be addressed properly? how did I even end up there...might be nice to know. Really hard to hide a medical file that's an inch thick before the age of 10. Even the dumbest person in the world would probably be able to tell there is fuckery there.

Leaving me in harm's way because you have a bribe riding on it. My death is someone's upcoming supper on the table for their kids, another's source of entertainment and a proud display of manliness to their "incell" peers. While they sit and say grace as a happy family unit after they washed the blood off their hands. How bout these mental health checks everyone speaks of? How are those? A good move in society right? I don't fully know the circumstances to judge fully these specifics but that's what trying to get help can look like. People are left to deal with crimes done against them or their family until they snap, sometimes from the lack of justice, then everyone wonders why everything ended in tragedy...or why nobody trusts the system. Well, at first glance, I might be able to see a few flaws...ya know!

Maybe that's a good way to get the fuck off this planet, via mental health check...LMFAO, the irony. Looks like they found a way to serve those who want to get the fuck of this planet ASAP. I do like poetic things after all. I suppose Cleopatra VII and I have that in common. I was trying to be better then her but I also understand why she chose the end she did. Key word. SHE CHOSE IT, HER GRACE, TIRED OF THE UNECESSAIRY FUCKERY, THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO LEAVE HER ALONE LIKE A BUNCH OF BRAINLESS ATTACK DOGS. Here we are somehow in 2024,faced with the same decision as a women in a different context, how society never evolves, perhaps it's that allergy to the truth I was speaking of earlier. Nyways, this video below seems like a sure shot! Pun intended. Not to be distasteful towards the grieving families, my heart is with you in your difficult time. I'm just showing you the Canada that's not on the brochure since many of you on the platform live abroad. You know, the world's biggest champions of freedom and human rights.

You keep me in hell, I'll keep you close to my heart and thoughts. Just for you. You get to analyze the beast you created with your toxicity that the rest of society helped with their apathy to another human being's safety to a gross level. Somedays I feel like the reverse Zodiac, instead of the killer I suppose call me the zodiac victim/attempted murder survivor, the one that will leave unsavory memories in the guilty. Maybe wake up a few unsuspecting people from a complete blindside like I was. So far, the videos is a collection of news stories on various national news to even prove to you that these cases are indeed common. Not just some weird demented mentally ill blog. If you went thru half of the shit I went thru in life, you might have a few difficulties too. Tell me what it feels like coping with your own survival of several attempted murders or that of a loved one. Then you can judge me and the AKWARDNESS of my whiny blog. You would be whining a lot fucking harder than I am if this was happening to you or your family.

Wanna bring shit to your grave, no problemo my dear friennemy(s) and multitude of equally guilty helpers and flying monkeys...Our 3 year anniversary to the vacation from hell is just around the corner You can avoid the law but how long can you avoid your own minds? You know what they say about an animal with it's back against the wall, the human with nothing left to lose. If you have never felt safety in life, if everything that was rightfully yours always taken from you before it even got to your hands? Before you knew it even existed, just out of pure spite for existing on the same planet. My talking takes to much oxygen Some legally some illegally? Including employment where one went to post secondary for. A supposable reputable institution. Facilitated by another that claims to protect and serve for some reason.

A series of posts I read on the platform started mingling with other thoughts in my head and that can sometimes go into unknown territory thought wise. a killer litterbox mixed with hive and internet law interventions to shush people that have been harmed. I suppose that made a few wheels spin. How everything all strings together in a soup that makes it to a bad post, well...who the fuck knows...That's probably one hell of a rabbit hole in itself but lets start somewhere. What makes you all squirm in awkwardness is still the life I am somehow stuck living with since birth and how the fuck to untangle myself from a or several problems that are too big to even comprehend even for me let alone for the non-informed mind. Every step I take in the right direction to ensure my personal freedom, someone comes to destroy and incinerate any of my efforts on top of withholding assets potentially left in my name, withholding job opportunities out of spite. Not because the information isn't plastered all over the place or even any question that these practices or issues. There isn't even a shortage of similar stories that would make this appear unrealistic, the vile acts of society even exist along with the common apathy to it by society when in reality, a normal human should actually be offended at these acts.

All I ever had in life is observing and trying to interpret what just happened over and over again in un-imaginable ways...not because I'm ruminating, because these asshats wont quit or play fair. Threatened by a simple women's quest for the right to provide for herself in a legal manor using education and hands on skills in a male environment and their incell supporters that proliferate the abuse of women one after another. Despite how alone I feel in facing the unsurmountable never ending life challenges that would probably completely mentally breakdown most of you to experience even one of those things. The latest post drama I read up, downvotes since it's inception led to some controversies as usual. Now the next demon stew ingredients I got fed for my deranged mental soup from hell that I have grown semi-comfortable with having no other choice really.

Since it's so hard to believe now here is where I'm gonna get in big big trouble with my employment but they are part of the ones hunting me at work with "accidents" that cause harm that I consistently have to dodge yet unable to bring it to a recordable safety incident when it really should be. In other words, sweeping things under the rug. No matter where. So called credible construction leaders and employers, big oil with proud names where we have to sign non disclosure forms up the wazou to be able to work there.

Oh shit, what do you mean fake news from some deranged internet lady? In this delightful official DOJ document listed above. Yeah....remember what I was telling you about my employers that was so farfetched? I never meant to be a whistle blower for anything, I just wanted a fucking job to pay my fucking bills like the rest of the so called free prisoners of this sick sick society. Does the DOJ like to make up crazy stories? These are my bosses at the top that set the standards of union leadership and worksite representation across ALL OF NORTH AMERICA.

NOW I TRIED TO PLAY NICE AND ALLOW PEOPLE TO DO THE RIGHT THING BUT INSTEAD YOU TOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY to make victims out of innocent individuals specializing in women in the workplace. You know those information privacy policy I sign, those are supposed to work both ways. To protect your sensitive information and you agree with protecting mine in return. I tried to report appropriately in house and was scoffed off. Since you didn't protect my personal information after I voiced my safety concerns against it and why. You have brought serious repercussions to the safety of my life stated in this blog post. I gave you 3 years to do the right thing. Both the union and company. Nope, our hands our tied like a demented game of never ending burocratic ping-pong to never have to take accountability for any harm.

Forgive me for the long ass link below, I don't fully work the internet beyond trying to paint a picture. These are the lyrics. Very impactful lyrics that I recommend. So many wonder what is the meaning of some songs. Well here it is folks. The first step of the proverbial beast, the hotel California you can never check out of. Only death even if you didn't sign up. My sight grew dim, I saw a light. A trap to beurocratic servitude. Satan's echo chamber.

Now lets pretend we are on three tunes Tuesday, the significance of this song to me and how it fits in my story is somewhat fucking weird in itself. I grew up french COMPLETLY, but as a little child, I inherited my step-grampa's old record player and my step-dad came home with a box of old rock records a "friend" and coworker at the psychiatric hospital was throwing away. The perfect combo was put in my room for my enjoyment. I was probably 7 to 9. This was one of my favorite songs, I could just listen to it and sing along to it perfectly word for word. A language I had no knowledge of at the time. Like I was born knowing it. Maybe my spirit left it to me as a clue for today's times. Things you will understand later little girl. Now government, courts and whoever else with questionable official authority. Remember me asking about a medical experiment I was curious about? In a previous posts, I asked for clarification on what happened when I was 1 yr old. Why we still be lying about that? Why the cover up? Is that why my name changed in 1989 or was it truly because of a marriage?

Back to work, this is one hell of a story I tell you. With many pensions being raided en mass in significant ways covered up as management costs and market losses in a volatile environment. They wrote every sad excuse in the book in their quarterly propaganda magazine. The DOJ says 20 million for the last 15 years embezzled from the workers, I would bring that closer to that same amount per year...not over 15 years. Common now. Why we be lying in court. Isn't that perjury? One where my health benefits cost $470 per month from each member across the entire country to upkeep for dental and medicine, in a country where we have government supplied health care. One where being a woman makes me worthy of a never ending white color career fuck-around and endless murder attempts. What a scam. We fight for equality and diversified workforce they said. We fight for worker's rights when they are being trampled by big corporations M.kay...Right. The reference to Hotel California, Common magical get out of jail free ring bros, we all know what that song means exactly don't we?

Along with anti harassment and bullying polices, anti-theft policies. Big labor union organizations that claim to fight for worker's rights. They never specified which ones tho. For the ladies, we just pretend because we would get in big trouble if we didn't at least fake it. LMFAO 125 ladies for 4000 men...Yup....nothing to see here...move along everyone! Just like those cops that prefer to watch the road at a blocked intersection then to take reports of potential crime and suspicious sights in the area. It's almost like it's done purposefully seriously. Anyone can see passed this fuckery I'm sure. Most of us are more curious as to how a professional can keep a strait face thru it all and still have the audacity to call themselves a professional in their field. Lets circle back to Hotel California for a moment, who else has or in this specific blog I should say WHOM ELSE Grand Masters, feasts, devices, un-killable beasts (yes, I know you be watching to from your high horse). The same whom else who my mother kept harassing by calling with false claims against me to make me lose my job where I did get disciplined, intimidated and probably a strong contributor to the constant efforts of bureaucratic sabotage and demented ping-pong game of no accountability.

That's right Mr. A. Whatcha gonna do. Send some lawyers to sue the pants off me? I have nothing to take but my life, I fucking dare you. What, have me kicked out of the union like when I was an apprentice and you prevented me from pulling a dispatch slip but happily collected my dues. The same incident where I had to make a formal complaint along with a friend who was also prevented in the same way. Where both suddenly got promoted soon after. from working You and your female compadre always thought I had "too much spunk". Perhaps you have divinatory skills yourself. perhaps you knew of this day before I did. Tried to eliminate it.

Now you got your name on an official court case full of white collar fuckery, not on the wrong side of the law yet but who knows, tomorow isn't set in stone, not for me, not for you. Are your hands clean? Why doesn't the Alberta labor board ever want to get involved? You still gonna try fuckery and sabotage with me? Just how fucking cocky are you. Oh yeah, I forgot, you have my due money and pension money to pay for your safety and immunity my dear sir Grand Master Mason. Maybe I'm the beast you just couldn't kill, keep trying, I'm begging you. How much further do you want to push the boundaries? I have been locked in my house for a year because it's unsafe for me to go to work in a what they like to delusionally call a "safe workspace" for all.

We all remember occupy dispatch. Hum, who else what there...Wasn't Brenden Leonard there too? Didn't he win some sort of case against the labor organization too just a short while before he died suddenly at a young age. Was it a heart attack by chance? I don't remember fully, only sudden passing. How about Mr. F's random attack intended for his wife deemed as a random broad daylight attack by some thug, received by her brother to save her life. How Noble. I never met you but wish I had. Just know your sacrifice was fruitful and she lives , thanks to you. Was this as random as noted? These are some interesting questions. 4 sabotaged under the same excuse while others slip away with worse. I guess you win this one, I have had to take a year off of work. Tried reporting things in house the proper way but nobody would let me have a voice, it has just gotten me more repercussions. Just more complicity in covering injustice, more fake "official reports" filed by various people that I'm never allowed to know about to paint a picture favorable to their agenda, even if completely false. Isn't that a crime in Canada? Like for real? Isn't that abusing workers and using a position of authority to do so?

Now why am I really spilling the tea? Don't fuck with a 40 year old woman, she's sick of everyone's shit. Like an automatic switch flicks on. One of these companies that affiliates aka MELLOY INDUSTRIAL part of PCL'S branch of corporate construction across Canada...So called leaders and MASSIVE. NOW CAN I GET IN TROUBLE FOR THIS INFO AND NAMES...WELL YES...But guess what you put me in a position where I have nothing to lose. I'm already hunted and not allowed to work because of a circle jerk of white collar un checked criminals think so. Those that infiltrate honest movements. You know. Bait. Servitude bait. Bait to be forced to fork over cash but the wage make it worth it. The device. $$

Moving along to the REAL REASON We live in a world of tit for tat and since we are allowed to play loosy goosy with the rules and company policies as convenient in today's society. My personal information was leaked in a payroll hack that they tried to hide from the contracted employees affected for several years. One where my home address, payroll information, bank account information, email address, phone number, potentially going as far as Social Insurance Numbers. Information that is then sold on the black internet for hackers to buy and do what they please with. Complete strangers. Hack your computer, disable stuff, rape and pillage what they want, steal your cloud info and lock your access with no way to get it back. Change all your email and social media passwords, gaming, everything you own. Text you with bitcoin ransoms or the police would be sent to my door. Conveniently all around the same time I lost access to my former blog and was met with the rainbow murder coffee Rockies extravaganza.

The information leaked led to further destruct my life directly. Directly putting my life in danger with stalking and for murder excursions. The careless handling of information to a third party mandatory program payroll app that I didn't want to participate in. And my efforts left an official email trail within your company addressed to me via site. Oh wait, there is more! They even changed their company policies and specified the language in the contract and made sure I knew they changed that on my account like some humiliation ritual. One where they actually threaten me to hold back wages already earned until I divulge such info to for a third party app they had no control over.

Why do I bring them up, what on Hive could have possibly triggered that? Well rolling up on the 3 year anniversary of my rainbow-murder drink experience. Like magic, an old anonymous face popped up in the woodworks, the good ol fashion hacking police and anti-fraud guru I remembered, investigating the security of things. Informs the community that 5000 accounts were hacked and drained and looking for information. Looking for this information. How did 5000 accounts get hacked? How safe are you here on Hive really? Your own reputable Employer or where you shop could fuck that up in an instant without ever even having to acknowledge the dangers, nobody will ever be held accountable. Pro-actively or actually providing a safe work place. Is giving my personal information adhering to that little piece of paper you made me sign in 2019? When this dispute went on. Is that a legally binding contract you failed to honor? Tit for tat.

What are your responsibilities as a company towards holding critical identity employee information secure? You put mine all over the internet so I could be perpetually chased by an endless string of demented strangers that you as an official company and employer sold me to. I give both the company and the union a big WTF on this. Don't I deserve an answer? Probably more. I trusted you with my personal information collected in exchange for employment, you then sold it to a third party company I did not agree with very vocally and publicly where you took the opportunity to just change the work contract at will out of nowhere to force me to comply and bragged and laughed at me to my face about it, like some funny joke about it. Sorry to break it to you. In case you are too mentally challenged to read a room, I DON'T FIND IT FUNNY. If that's not bullying and intimidation, I don't know what is. That same information then leaked it to the black market. You call yourself safe. Professionals? How fucking delusional are you? How are you in charge? How are ya'll leaders in worker safety? OMFG MY brain hurts on this. The same ones that make jokes about leaks in the payroll...yeah, they would fucking know.

The info leak that lead to the destruction of my life quite literally. So since I gave you 3 years to take ownership, you wouldn't even take a statement. What doesn't exist , you can claim you didn't know. Tell me again how that is a safe workplace when you facilitate the selling of my information I wanted to opt out of, for weeks, officially. Is withholding several weeks of pay from a worker who already earned them under fair contractual language that later changed a few weeks later when I still stood my ground to refuse to comply. Isn't that a form of coercion? Remember that fun time? I do! I do! I'm still paying for it! In this case who's responsible? bet you want to slap repercussions all over that ugly mouth don't you. I gave you adequate time to just hear me out. Even be nice and look into it. Nope. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?. LAW OFFICIALS AND ACTUAL REAL LABOR REPRESENTATIVE. WHAT DO YOU THINK? How is this legal?

It is because they have money and connections. I'm just some lowly chick undeserving of basic human rights whatsoever, even a hard labor job where my paycheck will be taxed by half from the government to the use to harm me. Also good reason why I been holding back from work. Not quite getting my money's worth in the services you claim I am entitled to. The same criminals that hunt and harm me at work, they hold more rights to a safe and fair workplace and opportunity then I do. Some of them are even our bosses.

I tried to bring it up with the union, in official committees even. even tried to have access to one of our union lawyers to speak about the safety of women when there is an inability to report harmful things that should be recorded, yet just swept away like it never existed. Not for the current chair holding Business administration but the former. The business manager denying me access to our union lawyers about not feeling safe or represented under these policies we have to sign. Not to my face like a man tho, always said yes with a big smile and how he was committed to women's rights yet behind my back, doing everything to delay delay delay...there was always a reason. For a year. That was a generous grace period now wasn't it? Then they use the union meetings as a shitshow all the way to the international to further try to intimidate me, prevent me from speaking up on a real serious workplace safety issue.

To further understand why men hunting me at work have more rights to a safe workplace than I do? Not only do our union leaders, champion employers believe so? Turns out the government seems to think so , quite publicly actually. Ya know, some of the orange political labels currently representing worker legislations in our provincial political landscape. Since I'm on self destruct mode, might as well hit it big leagues. I don't mean the hearsay rumor mill ones. I mean the actual convicted ones in a court of law. Then they come back to sites carrying on their deceptive and harmful behavior towards women. Cause if it aint on the news it aint real right? I don't want to go that personal, many of them I saw plastered all over the 5 o'clock news for a week. Those who know know. Lets just keep it at that for now, I might change my mind later...who knows how long I'm prevented from living by strange men in official position I don't even know. Them so called professionals.

Wait, more news example of the safety of women in the western developed world and how seriously it is taken. Both by men that I still can't believe they didn't know she was drugged and passed out and the legal system and loose laws that allowed it to go on for so long. I mean really? Crazy ladies right! Only the "at risk demographic" are at risk right? How long did this go on for? It wasn't even a secret, at least 72 men knew of the fuckery and participated in it. I wonder how many were "professionals" and "nice guys" ,most of them probably had wifes that didn't even know cooking them a nice meal at home.*

In case former ladybug followers wondering where the fuck she went , quite literally, that's why I'm not roaming the rockies and posting genuine soulful content. I bunch of strangers I got sold to by my employers carelessly by mishandling my personal information thought I'm not allowed to do that. Vacations and social outings are too good for me. So is fair employment, so is safety at my home. I shouldn't have the right. Why not? Because I went to work for a genuine construction company? Too busy fighting for my rights in a way you will never understand unless you go thru it personally. One so complex. So hard to put into words cohesively. One where I had high hopes of playing nice like a professional. You didn't reciprocate. Would you feel safe? Like you are going to a safe workplace with labor unions there to represent your rights when the companies try to squash the workers. I gave ya'll long enough to do the right thing. You clearly wont. Maybe the slow coming out of names might light a fire to take ownership of your real life policies you made me sign. Why do I need to hold my end when you wont hold yours? Let them eat cake right? Too bad Minnie isn't still alive to deliver one of her personal handcrafted pies made with her love. I always admired that gesture of hers. Bold. Here have some virtual Minnie pie! If you don't get the reference, oh well.

Isn't it illegal to take positions of authority to sabotage potential employment opportunities in unfair ways? How about when an entire group is involved, doesn't that become a conspiracy? Everything on my blog as a paper trail officially of some of the rare times I was able to officially report, just not much went in my favor in the end. Just a game of ping-pong with various professional entities and everyone blindly takes part in the fuckery for a paycheck.

you think this simply an India problem? No, it's a global one Western world included. So are doctors and nurses people that put themselves at unnecessary risk or lead questionable lifestyles? By the security guards. People that get paid to serve and protect. Can a man better explain this to me in terms my poor little delusional brain is struggling to comprehend the reality of it. That somehow there are no threats to our safety in work places. No Murders and rapists' have the right to anonymously work anywhere they want because we believe in second chances and that women have no value and are expendable in a patriarchal societal structure that everyone claims doesn't exist. You might not say that to our face but actions speak louder then words. How bout a protest...Can you hear the women's safety concerns now?

Now what else mingled in that brain of mine? I saw a post earlier that spoke about killer-litter and at what point is the law allowed to interfere to shush genuine claims, some that have cost lives, money, pets, time one will never get back. Some that can be substantiated by facts others hold secret in information disclosure policies supposedly , worker's confidentiality. In this case when my human rights were clearly trampled on so many ways, yet it's a circle jerk of, our hands are tied everywhere, by design. The matrix. Everyone has some strange paranormal explanation of that movie and what it means. Unplugging from the matrix, no it's not some alien weird delusion, it's walking around life with eyes wide shut, perpetuating the very problem that is harmful to even yourself, in exchange for comfortability and a rosy view of a dystopian reality. The blue pill and red pill references altho there isn't much confusion on that specific. Satan's echo chamber. Here it is. The matrix in question.

The ping-pong game of white collar fuckery rigged against honest citizens everyone involved echoes the same shitty message no matter how bad or illogical it is. Some blindly, some willingly. Lack of self awareness isn't an excuse tho when lives are being directly put in danger like mine has been. Ever felt bounced around endlessly by the system, just wasting your energy, life's value and time, sometimes years at a time. When we fuck up, we are held accountable. When they fuck up and try to resolve it and report it? You convenient. everything in here are tru events with company internal trails of information. Like the post that made me think mentioned. The original trace is always there and every amendments, someone just gotta know how to look. even after it's scrubbed. Is it tho? Is it a double edge sword?

So how long do you want to keep gang harassing me with white collar fuckery, job sabotage and prevent employment for no genuine reason. Well I guess now you got one. Remember when as kids we used to cry and our parents used to tell us they were gonna give us something to cry about? Well I guess this is the 40 year old women version. You wanted to make me suffer for nothing, simply because I trusted you with my safety and a job? A means to earn a clean paycheck? A chance to contribute to my own soverenty? Well now I suppose you got a reason to come for me. A legit one not a delusional incell with your masculinity bruised in my presence at the workplace. What happens when they are the bosses? KKK was wrong wasn't it? And what was that playbook like? The same values and secret societies just target women now. The people and organizations and the different societal ranks and labels aren't even different. You could say they are a carbon copy of one another. Why is it such a farfetched awkward idea only some loser lady with too much internet access drummed up? Oh those who know know. They just chose to turn a blind eye. To participate in it's proliferation. Silent women. Silent screams that just echoed in a def world. The sad part is, they were never silent. Only people chose that for them. The ones that sat by, let it happen.

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