Pic1000: The Help


I worked late at work today. It was now like a normal routine ever since the new CEO was elected by the board of members. The new CEO made sure we all worked late into the night. Everyone at work complained but no one had the bravery to speak up. So it was like a case of white collar slavery.

Although that bothered me, it didn't bother me more than my sick mum at home. She had been brought to the city by my elder brother ever since she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and after her treatment she had stayed back with me. Since I was still a single lady living alone in a big house.

Mum had always been the type that hated idleness. She disliked staying at a place and that has been the case since she came to stay with me. She was supposed to be resting so she could recuperate faster but instead while I was away at work she would make sure to clean my house and at times she washed my clothes too.

I can recall one day coming back to meet all my white clothes washed and spread at the line outside. I was angry and happy at the same time. Happy that she had helped me with the chores but angry that she couldn't use the washing machine and had washed my clothes at the artificial stream which has been made by the overflow from the dam just a few miles away from my house.

According to her it felt easier and just as if she was washing in the river back at the village and also she could wash off the stains more as she didn't trust the washer to do the job. But what she didn't understand was that the water from the dam had ruined my whites. I had given her a nice smile just so she couldn't feel bad but vowed never to let her wash my white clothes ever again.

Now that was the reason I was rushing home. I had mistakenly left my white clothes that needed washing in a place where she would see them. I knew she would want to help me wash them but I didn't want her using the dam water again.
I boarded the bus and prayed the driver speed so I could meet up.

I got off the bus and ran into the house and was greeted with a smile from my Mum. She was standing in the corridor just by the washing machine.

"Hey ma" I said, "how are you?"

"I'm fine" she replied with a smile "welcome back".

I nodded and asked why she was standing by the washing machine.

"Oh it's washing some clothes"

"Really? You use the washing machine now? Who taught you how to use the washer ?" I asked. I tried to calm down, maybe she has washed my clothes with the washer this time.

"Washer? I didn't use the washer. It was your brother he had come over while you were at work and wanted to wash his clothes. I asked him to let me help him wash it for him but he insisted on using the washer. I don't understand how these object will be able to wash off the stains in clothes than I do." She smiled "But don't worry I washed your dirty whites myself just at the dam. I made sure to remove the dirty stains. You should learn how to eat carefully the oil stains were hard to go off" she smile

I froze and gave a fake smile
"Not again" I said.

This is a picture prompt at freewriters.

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