White Wedding (Zapfic)

A new zapfic prompt was posted today, and the prompt word to use was "Wedding," the moment I read it this little exchange took place in my head.

Here's A Link To The Prompt Post If You'd Like To Have A Go.


"It's a nice day, for a white wedding," her mother sang lyrics to an old song poorly.

In and of itself the song wasn't annoying, but she had been repeating those words all day.

"Stop singing that stupid song," the bride to be replied.

White Wedding
I actually like the song, and the cover band I'm in plays it at most of our gigs we do, in fact, we actually got a chance to play it to a bride to be during one of our last gigs in August.

There were a few women on what seemed to be a hen night, and sure enough, the soon-to-be bride was dressed in all white. Seeing this, the singer from the band dedicated the song to her, and they all let out a cheer. It was a pretty fun spur-of-the-moment thing, and we all had a bit of a laugh about it.

It was just lucky timing really, because we were actually called to play an hour set at the event last minute. The gig was good though, and it was actually the same day I was having a birthday party so I literally finished playing and went upstairs to the other venue and started prepping it and putting up some decorations. It was a good night all round because I actually played a few songs with each of my bands, and there was another band who also played. Later on in the evening - since all the gear was there - a bunch of people got up and had a jam.

All in all, it was a great night, but one of those ones that I wish I could do again as it just flew by and before we knew it, it was 3 o'clock.

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