The Newly Weds (Zapfic)

Fridays prompt is here, for the latest Zapfic. This week the prompt is gas. Here's a link for anyone who would like to join in on the fun!

#ZapFic50Friday! Week 19! Write a story in precisely 50 words! @freewritehouse/zapfic50friday-week-19-write-a-story-in-precisely-50-words

Source Pixabay

Newly weds broke down in the rain. "No point in us both getting wet. I'll walk back alone." Time went on and the wife fell asleep.

Waking up to banging and flashing lights. "Exit slowly." She did. Turning around, to see a man on the car, wielding her husband's head.


Here's a story that popped into my head when I saw the prompt gas, my dad told me this story when I was a kid. Bit of a horror story, I haven't thought of it in so long. But, I remember being so freaked out when he told me it when I was younger. Obviously, it's better with more detail, but I was happy that I could squeeze it into 50 words for this prompt.

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